From what I read, it is possible to build an online version from SWJava ? I'm a bit lost. (sorry I'm a c# dev). I see that there is a transpiler used to convert the java to JS. That's all ? Magical ?
I do not understand if SWJava and SWJS are now (version 7) two distinct projects or if SWJS is a transpilation from the main Java project.
In such a case, I'm very impressed. I'm a programmer from the 90' (C/C++/Java and ASM). I never really had the opportunity to get into web languages and now it's the standard. Your pipeline is a very attractive option (for me) to get into web projects.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9416
Re: SW Java and SWJS
As explained here, a large part of Sweet Home 3D Java is transpiled to JavaScript, but some classes too complicated to transpile as well as all the code which handles the user interface were rewritten in JavaScript (see src folder in SweetHome3DJS project). Therefore, as the transpiled part of Sweet Home 3D JS is generated from Sweet Home 3D Java code, SweetHome3DJS project depends on SweetHome3D project, and keeping this dependency helps to benefit of bugs fixes programmed in SweetHome3D project by just transpiling again the classes needed in SweetHome3DJS project.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D developer