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Adventure Window - SH3D Game Creator

Screenshots of Windows and Android coming soon! Here's for Mac:

Okay, first off -


Adventure Window is a standalone application that can create point and click adventure games similar to Myst, Riven, pre-rendered 3D escape games, interactive cylindrical panoramas and virtual visits, from your high-quality 3D renders!


•Available for Windows and Android only but not for long!
•Adventure Window is a free, open source alternative to the original $140 VB6-Programmed Game Engine known as Adventure Maker.
•Unlike Adventure Maker which was made in VB6, this is being developed in 100% GameMaker Language and depending on the platform 100% Monkey Code
•100% GameMaker:Studio (and all the old versions of GameMaker since 6.1 standard) compatible with all exports! (Except you can't use panoramic frames in HTML5... yet.)
•Because it uses only one room, one object, one sprite, one font, and three scripts, you may make full length, proffessional games worth multiple hours of gameplay in the FREE version of GameMaker:Studio. Say goodbye to limited resources... At no extra cost!
•This is an official GAME ENGINE, which means you don't even need the source or even a single copy of GameMaker or Monkey (not even the free version) to create exellent games! Just edit the INI file in the package. Below the download like you can find all the information and tips you'll need in creating your first game by doing absoltuely nothing but editing an INI text file!

DOWNLOAD ADVENTURE WINDOW: [Windows] [Macintosh] [Android]

•Android is being updated, please check back later android users...




Currently, there is no IDE for editing the INI file. However, you may do it manually in notepad, which is recomended for advanced users only.

For Windows Users:

Download and extract the zip. The INI and frames folder are easily accessible in the main directory. To change the game's icon, use resource hacker, a free resource editor. Though you can't modify anything other than the icon otherwise you'd be modifying the GameMaker:Studio windows runner's actual exe resources, which breaks the GameMaker EULA and there goes your copy of GameMaker:Studio, 8.1 and/or GM4Mac if you are a GameMaker User.

For Mac Users:

You all can thank Glen Bourgonjon, [SecondReality Games] for the Mac export. Without his generosity this wouldn't be here anytime soon. Open the file on either a windows machine on a Mac using a third party app to view the runner's internal contents and resource directories. In "\Contents\Resources\" is where the INI and other resources are located. Here you may edit the splash screen, custom icon, the run.ini and the frames subfolder. Due to a bug in GameMaker:Studio, panoramas are not supported in the Mac version.

For Android Users:
Open the android run.apk on any desktop OS using 7zip or products like it and modify the run.ini located in the assets folder and the images in the frames subfolder. You may also modify the icon and splash screen. If you extract the apk, be sure to repackage it as a zip folder while renaming the *.zip extension back to *.apk.

For All Platforms:
The INI file is what the game uses to make its games. Run.exe reads the settings and parameters in the INI and executes them accordingly. Open the INI in Notepad.

•Game Settings Parameters
->Start Frame: choose an image file you want to be your main menu title screen. The image must be in the same directory or in a sub directory of run.exe's file location.
->Draw GUI System: set to one to enable the GUI system or 0 to disable it in your project. The GUI system is not yet functional and is under development. For now keep it as zero unless you want to see a small preview of what it is supposed to be. The GUI will display on every frame except the title screen.
->GUI System Image: Under Development. The image file you want to be your custom GUI if the GUI System is enabled. Note: it must be and image that both supports transparency and has transparency enabled. Use PNG for quality and GIF for better compression and limited support for animated GUIs.
->Panorama Horizonal Angle. The initial direction of the camera for panoramic frames in your project. Use a number from 0 to 360. Decimals are supported. Zero is default.
->Panorama Vertical Angle The initial vertical angle of the panoramas in your project. Use a number from -1 to 1. Decimals are supported. Zero is default.

The rest is pretty straight forward. Play around with the INI to see what everything does. Let me know if you have any questions... I can add more to the tutorial if anyone is actually interested in trying this out or using it for their own project.


My goal in this project is to revive the fame and popularity the point and click puzzle genre once had. I find it infinitely more interesting than the typical platformer or first person shooter you'd find today. In comparison to today's most popular games, I find them to be over the top bloody, mindless, and horribly thought out. My favorite genre of gaming will never cease as my favorite, as puzzle point and click adventures use a lot more logic and brain power than the act of pressing a controller buttons mindlessly, which I find primitive personally. What defines true gaming to me is the process of actually using your head logically and not just using your fingers timing things right.


•Create an IDE for editing the INI file!
•Background music and sound effect channels support.
•Support for polygonal hotspots, instead of the default rectangle hotspot
•Test the get and set variable parameters to ensure they are working properly.
•Native Android Device compatibility for Phones, Tablets, and the new OUYA console (coming soon, as in, this within this week!)
•Native Linux compatibility (Coming very soon!)
•Native Mac OSX compatibility (Hopefully Soon, I don't have I Mac so I rely on others for compiling and testing)
•Native Windows Phone 7 compatibility (Coming Soon, but is being developed in a software that is very limited and doesn't support Panoramas)
•Windows 8 (can't do it until I get a Windows 8 OS, and it will be in JavaScript, which isn't native)
•Windows Phone 8 (have no idea when I'll be able to get this done)
•HTML5 (all main features except panoramas will be implemented)
•Flash (again, no panoramas)
•Wii Opera HTML4 game SDK (coming not so soon, but does support panoramas!)
•XNA for XBOX 360 (might not ever get to do this, but hoping to)
•PlayStation Mobile (may or may not happen, but most likely down the road)
• Achievements for all platforms except html5 and wii opera html4
[Feb 21, 2013, 2:05:39 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

Joined: Mar 29, 2013
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Re: Adventure Window - SH3D Game Creator

Looks a very interesting project, I hope you manage to achieve what your aiming for biggrin
I'll keep an eye on how its going
[Mar 29, 2013, 5:56:28 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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