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Attachments: 384   Pages: 39   [ Previous Page | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | Next Page ]
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Attachment 46662 bytes 1892
sweethome.png Attachment sweethome.png 195939 bytes 7077
Sweethome-beta34outside-web.png Attachment Sweethome-beta34outside-web.png 192914 bytes 11878 Hopefully, these will show in order: Pic #1: Screenshot of the house with a transparent view so you can see the floors with furniture. 2nd pic: the house rendered with the sunflow renderer.
Attachment Sweet Home 3D VRML.bat 551 bytes 1467 Sweet Home 3D command file including support for VRML format
Attachment Suurupi House.sh3d 870968 bytes 2337
Attachment 2874 bytes 1092 Sunflow scene.
Attachment StepTutorial.sh3d 18547 bytes 3044 Stair Tutorial sample work file.
Attachment 26171 bytes 2389 Half landing staircase with different materials for handrails/balusters
Attachment StaircaseWithStorageRoom.sh3d 186509 bytes 425
Attachment StaircaseHolesTest.sh3d 82170 bytes 6198 An example with holes made by staircases in the floor
Attachments: 384   Pages: 39   [ Previous Page | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | Next Page ]

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