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Attachments: 383   Pages: 39   [ Previous Page | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | Next Page ]
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Attachment QuarterSlope.sh3f 13384 bytes 1084 Quarter slope (distributed under CC-BY license)
Attachment pythagorean_theorem.xls 22016 bytes 987
Attachment PVR-1.8_betaTest2a.sh3p 353801 bytes 514
Attachment PVR-1.8_betaTest2.sh3p 353864 bytes 525
Attachment PVR-1.7betaTest2.sh3p 326785 bytes 661 (automatically adds ambient lighting)
Attachment PVR-1.7betaTest2.sh3p 326545 bytes 538
Attachment PVR-1.7betaTest.sh3p 336242 bytes 567
Attachment 12684 bytes 888 Changes needed for and to support load and save POV. Also, well, register the actions and do the corresponding UI. Hope it's usefull. Saludos de la Argentina.
Attachment 38461 bytes 817
Attachment PorteBoiteFenetre.sh3d 41842 bytes 1299 Exemple de porte et fenêtre l'une au-dessus de l'autre
Attachments: 383   Pages: 39   [ Previous Page | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | Next Page ]

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