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Attachments: 383   Pages: 39   [ Previous Page | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | Next Page ]
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Attachment KitchenCounterTop.sh3d 89772 bytes 611 Counter-top built with a room and an invisible staircase
kitchen.png Attachment kitchen.png 98658 bytes 5939 This was with the regular "Create Photo" plugin.
kitchen-beta16.png Attachment kitchen-beta16.png 357461 bytes 6308 kitchen with new lights
Attachment j9log.txt 3378 bytes 79
Attachment IrregularWalls.sh3d 5597 bytes 68
Attachment InvisibleInwardLightHalfSphereTest.sh3d 33109 bytes 55 Invisible inward light half sphere test to get softer shadows
Attachment InclinedCeiling_part2.sh3d 30811 bytes 52602
Attachment InclinedCeiling.sh3d 24381 bytes 33857 Example of an inclined ceiling
importedFurnitureWizard.png Attachment importedFurnitureWizard.png 12362 bytes 5132
IcedTea.png Attachment IcedTea.png 182171 bytes 4352
Attachments: 383   Pages: 39   [ Previous Page | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | Next Page ]

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