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Attachments: 384   Pages: 39   [ Previous Page | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | Next Page ]
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Attachment LevelsAtSameElevation.sh3d 923164 bytes 754 Levels at same elevation
Attachment Lampshade.sh3d 212510 bytes 684 Round lampshade made from transparent walls
Attachment 18907 bytes 533
Attachment lamp1.skb 78764 bytes 389
Attachment lamp1.3ds 17300 bytes 372
Attachment KWS_1stFloor - TEST.sh3d 845152 bytes 178 Surrounding room
Attachment Kitchen_Appliance_Refrigerator_Freestanding_TopFreezer.axs 7766 bytes 31 Sample .axs file dowloaded
kitchenSH3D3-0again.png Attachment kitchenSH3D3-0again.png 188194 bytes 6053 light is now 4 foot 1 inch wide and 4 feet in depth.
kitchenSH3D3-0.png Attachment kitchenSH3D3-0.png 199559 bytes 6636 Notice strong light on ceiling. I have even lowered it so that it's not right up against the ceiling.
kitchenlights-beta16.jpeg Attachment kitchenlights-beta16.jpeg 176281 bytes 6085
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