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Request: add a slider for "background image" transparency
Request: add a slider for "background image" transparency. So the background image can ...
iTwo 0 48 Jul 23, 2024, 6:40:16 AM
by iTwo  Last Page
Rendering without ground and sky?
I just wonder; is it very difficult to make ground and sky totally transparent so we are just left ...
Xiste 8 116 Jul 14, 2024, 1:26:21 AM
by Xiste  Last Page
Move light power setting from object to property
Would it be possible to move the power setting for a light source to the light property ...
Keet 6 661 Jul 12, 2024, 10:39:12 AM
by Keet  Last Page
Material name prefix so it doesn't show in the material list
When you create furniture for use in Sweet Home 3D you can add hinges and rails for deformations. ...
Keet 2 304 Jun 17, 2024, 3:20:10 PM
by Keet  Last Page
Dark Mode
In the blog for 6.6 (27 July 2021) future support of a dark mode is mentioned. Is there any ...
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Keet 31 2488 Jun 16, 2024, 12:08:22 AM
by byDMA  Last Page
Folders for Items
In order to keep projects with a large amount of items organised, can we please have folders? They ...
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A.D.STUDIO 14 663 Jun 11, 2024, 2:18:52 PM
by A.D.STUDIO  Last Page
Mark models as favorite (maybe even textures?)
It would be nice to be able to mark models as favorites. Like, when i'm searching for ...
morgular 3 4040 Jun 2, 2024, 8:26:26 AM
by Keet  Last Page
Show walls in the items list
It would be handy if the items list in the lower left corner could include walls as well. Then you ...
SaarVoirVivre 4 272 May 30, 2024, 1:53:21 AM
by A.D.STUDIO  Last Page
"Locked" Checkbox
Can we please have a checkbox next to the visibility checkbox to lock items on a per item basis?
A.D.STUDIO 3 223 May 30, 2024, 1:39:17 AM
by A.D.STUDIO  Last Page
Calculate floor size depending on room height
In Germany, there is a rule that says that floor sizes depend on the room height, meaning a room ...
SaarVoirVivre 1 199 May 22, 2024, 7:18:10 AM
by Keet  Last Page
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