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Re: Cut out tool for any object?
I've been having similar issues whereby I want to make a wall that's thicker at the base than the top. I sort of figured that out, but sadly, the visible part of this wall is the bottom of the original wall, so it has no texture. Then I made an object the size and shape I wanted, but can't get a window to cut thru it. My only solution was to copy the original window, make it thin, and place it just so it appears on the outside layer of the object. So it's sort of like a sticker of a window on the outside of my new wall. There is a way to achieve this with walls but it's an ugly and awkward hack. You have to create your wall in separate parts, one part as thick as the window is wide and other parts to extend the wall next to the window.
What you do is create a "sideway wall": thick as it is wide and wide as it is thick. For example if you have a window 100 wide you create a wall 100 thick, and as wide as the window is deep. If you split the wall you can slope one side and you get a wall that is thicker at the bottom because of the "side-way slope".
You can't place a window in this wall because the wall is oriented sideways but for that there is also a trick. Place the window you want in your 2Dview pane and turn it vertical (facing left/right instead of front/back). Export the window and import it again with "Door or window" checked in the import dialog. This window you can place in your sideway wall because you created it sideways (vertical). It will stretch to the lenght (thickness) of the wall, that is why you have to have a wall part that is as 'wide' as your window and separate parts to complete the wall. Carefully move the extra wall parts to align with your window wall part. When the window extends into your extra wall you are too close, move it one tick away and the window will stay inside its own wall part.
Remember that you have two walls if you split them to give one side a slope. This means you have to manually increase the thickness of the window so it spans both walls. And of course the window remains as wide on the top as on the bottom so it will stick out in the sloped part.
As you can read an ugly hack. Personally I would create a custom object around the window. Probably by creating shapes using the "Generate 3D shape" plugin and combining them around the window. I would most likely create a custom window to follow the slope too  In your case you can try to use a straight wall with the window and add shapes against one side to create the slope around the window.
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[Sep 30, 2024, 12:18:15 PM]