Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9421
Re: Cabin i have been working on
Interesting design, even though furniture won't be easy to arrange along walls which are not flat. What is the goal to use two different ways to build walls?
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Jan 6, 2018
Post Count: 677
Re: Cabin i have been working on
Hi Emmanuel It was something i saw recently of a cabin being built in Alaska, Once i had started i got curious about building the hole thing without using walls and having a more textured affect, not all flat, smooth finishes. The siding is overlapping individual boards, lots and lots of them :( The logs are chimneys with a cylinder at each end and the roof is corrugated sheets 2440 x 900 drawn with the wall tool and exported