Joined: Oct 20, 2017
Post Count: 262
Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
Merci beaucoup Puybaret pour cette nouvelle version du générateur de terrain. Il apporte pas mal de nouvelles fonctions avec notamment la possibilité de faire des retours arrières sans revenir à 0. Et celle de créer des points multiples.
Néanmoins, je pense qu'il faut beaucoup le pratiquer avant de bien le maitriser.
Basically, a generated terrain is on object created using a room. The terrain elevations are stored with the room data. As long as you don't delete that room you can go back to that room, select it, start the terrain generator, and make further changes to the terrain. If you want to keep the room with the terrain elevations safe but not visible use a separate level for the room which you can make invisible. Once the terrain is generated you can move the generated terrain to a different level using cut-and-paste. You can set a texture using the rooms floor or set a texture after the object is generated. Experimenting will show which gives you the best results.
A handy trick is to use multiple adjacent rooms with different textures. Select multiple rooms before starting the terrain generator and all will be included for elevating. You can use very thin walls to create a room with curves so you are not stuck with square rooms.
Try this trick to create a path that slopes with the rest of the terrain: Use thin walls to craw the path. Give the rooms on both sides a grass texture and the path itself a pavement. Now select both the grass and the pavement rooms and start the terrain generator. Where you lift the terrain touching the path it will elevate along with the grass slopes on the sides.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
Joined: Feb 18, 2023
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Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
Hello, Trying to run the Terrain Generator under windows 11 and it keeps crashing. The scenario is that I have a large block of land and I've created a room to represent the block of land. when I try to run the plug-in, The pop-up window appears for a short period and then crashes the whole program Tried version 1.2.1, 1.2, 1.1 and same issue. Any suggestions? Thanks
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1223
Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
Hello, Trying to run the Terrain Generator under windows 11 and it keeps crashing. The scenario is that I have a large block of land and I've created a room to represent the block of land. when I try to run the plug-in, The pop-up window appears for a short period and then crashes the whole program Tried version 1.2.1, 1.2, 1.1 and same issue. Any suggestions? Thanks
How large is 'large'? The maximum size I managed to reasonably generate is approximately 300mx300m. Anything bigger and it either takes many hours to just start or it just stops, i.e. it crashes back to the plan. Too big also has the disadvantage that any movement takes again a very long time to complete, making it virtually unworkable. Try dividing your large block into a grid of smaller rooms and generate just a few parts leaving the borders untouched. Select the next set of rooms overlapping the previous set of blocks to generate the next part. I tried it with sets of 3x3 rooms of 100mx100, resulting in a 300x300 square. Very slow but it worked. You will need a LOT of patience. A very fast computer might stretch your options to a slightly bigger size. Also make sure to give SH3D/Java more memory if you haven't done that yet:
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1223
Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
To add to my previous post: After you have generated a set of rooms just delete the generated terrain object. The data itself is stored in the room so it's not lost. After you have completed elevating all grid blocks you can generate each single grid block or sets of consecutive 3x3 blocks to regenerate terrain objects that fill you total terrain.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects