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Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
You'll see that the plugin creates the terrain on the lower level. When pressing OK, it still gets put to the upper level (which is correct). Ah, you mean while in the generator dialog. I never noticed that before but you are right. I'm not sure if that could be considered a bug, terrain usually resides at the 0 level and the plugin is probably designed with that in mind. What do you do with a terrain floating on a higher level?
I also tried it with a level below ground. While in the generator dialog the display is still from the 0 level. Then I elevated all three levels 100cm, resulting in none of the levels having a 0 elevation. The generator still displays at elevation 0. So that is consistent: it always displays at elevation 0.
The only downside I can see is that the outline of the walls in the generator dialog is from the 0 level and not the level where you selected the room to create the terrain from. I do see the outlines of the other levels too (in the generator dialog). Considering that, the walls shown should have been those from the selected room level. If you know this you can work around it by copying your room and walls in a new file and use that to generate the terrain, then copy the generated object back to your original file.
Some extra knowledge: The information for the terrain is stored in the room section in the Home.xml file in your .sh3d file. You can delete the generated terrain object, select the room you used and start the generator again. It will read from the room the elevations and create a new object with OK. Nice if you want to make little changes without starting all over again. After you generated the terrain you can move the room to a separate level and make that level invisible. Or even better, move it to a separate file. That way you keep a backup of the terrain data without the room itself showing in your project. Keep in mind that a large terrain with a fine grid will make your .sh3d file grow considerably: each point in the grid is a line in the Home.xml file. A large terrain easily spans hundreds of lines. That's why moving the room object to a separate file is a good idea. Your original project will only have the generated terrain object and not all the room overhead that is used to create the object.
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[Dec 30, 2024, 8:54:48 PM]