Joined: Apr 24, 2014
Post Count: 588
Re: Generate roof plugin
You are on the right way! Now, the next step is to select the faces around the hole, set their slope to 90 degrees and mark them as invisible. After that you could adjust the rest of the faces as you wish. To continue you will have to enlarge a little the room for hole, select only this one and generate the roof part over the hole. For the vertical windows under this last roof you will need a wall and insert in it windows from the normal library not from the special roof windows library. If you encounter problems just ask.
---------------------------------------- A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law (Greer's Third Law) When all else fails, read the instructions.Murphy's Law
Joined: Feb 14, 2024
Post Count: 25
Re: Generate roof plugin
Cool. I am glad that I am heading the right direction. I am not there yet, but I wanted to show you what has worked so far:
So I am right now trying to see how deep this part of the roof has to be in order to match the edge of the dormer window and the rest of the window. And I guess then I have to find a way to fill the rest of the hole.
Joined: Apr 24, 2014
Post Count: 588
Re: Generate roof plugin
@MartinH81 As I've say you are on the right way. Few remarks: 1. You've modified the shape of the hole room in that way it exceed the middle of the roof. Is not what you've present in your previews post. 2. I've say to set faces around the hole at 90. You forget the face 8. 3. You could make multiple holes by drawing and selecting multiple rooms with this destination. 4. You don't need another way to fill the gaps. Just draw the holes (rooms) correctly. 5. DON'T use the global "Modify texture" but "Modify materials" and there set the textures for every face and border. Other wise your results will look ugly as in your last 2 picture.
Read twice and Keep going!
---------------------------------------- A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law (Greer's Third Law) When all else fails, read the instructions.Murphy's Law
Joined: Feb 14, 2024
Post Count: 25
Re: Generate roof plugin
I have made some progress:
Thanks again, Dorin!
Just to recap what I did: I actually split the roof in many seperate parts and modeled each of the both sides of the house on its own. I always made the other side invisible. I calculated the slope of the roof by using the measures (around 50°).
As dorin wrote I used one room to cut out a part of the window and made all of the slopes around it 90° and these sides also invisible. Afterwards I inserted as well one roof over the dormer, using another room and ond the rest of the roof until the roof top with a final room. Of course I had to do some moving around and for whatever reason not everything was in the right place (elevation, etc.), even after copying roof objects. However, I am glad to have reached this point. Now I have to find a way to fill the sides of the dormers and for this I posted a new thread, because I need to fill non-perpendicular triangles of which I don't know the exact measures.
Joined: Apr 24, 2014
Post Count: 588
Re: Generate roof plugin
It's a very good progress! Congrats!.
I'm happy you've read and follow my recommendations. Are reflected on the results.
For the sides of the dormers you need some sloping walls. You could calculate or you could approximate it visually in 3D view. Personally I use the approximated measurement for the start and after that I perform accurate calculus.
For the roof windows you could simplify the task using the special library in place to made the hole manually even this it is possible. I know I've write it in the manual but, meanwhile was released 4.5 and the roof windows library to simplify this task. Don't let us (GRT) to think we work in vain for this.
---------------------------------------- A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law (Greer's Third Law) When all else fails, read the instructions.Murphy's Law
Joined: Feb 14, 2024
Post Count: 25
Re: Generate roof plugin
Dear dorin
Thanks! :)
About approximation/measurement: Yes, I also thought about this and get always confused by the different options for rotation and where I cannot manipulate a shape. Therefore I rather tried with mathematical functions and just found that I had to little information. I also thought about the sloping walls, but this would only help if one of the three angles would have 90° angle. Or do I miss something?
About the last paragraph of your post: I am sorry, but I just do not understand what you want to say and of course I want to follow your advice.
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1011
Re: Generate roof plugin
For the sides of the dormers you need some sloping walls.
I don't think that will work, upside down sloping?
Unless of course the side wall sticks inside the room but I don't think that is what Martin wants. You could use a sloping wall and use a triangle window to cut of the bottom part but creating a shape would be a lot easier.
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