Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Wirings plugin
My plugin for electrical installations is finally ready!
This plugin brings to SH3D the capability to draw 3D polylines that will snap to floors, walls and ceilings, directly in the 3D view. This could be useful to draw electrical installations, plumbing, and simple decorations.
In order to use this plugin you have to install Pan3dView plugin version 1.7 or later.
The plugin comes with an integrated user guide available in english and italian under the Help > Draw wirings help menu, please take a moment to read it to learn how to use the plugin.
straight polylines in 3D space (no curved lines);
customizable color;
customizable style (solid, dot, dash, etc...);
lines can be edited in any way: adding point at the end, at the begin, or in the middle, remove any point, move any point, split at any point;
intelligent snap cursor: snaps to other wirings at any point and even within segments; snap to wall corners too;
automatic bend when moving between floor/wall/ceiling;
Joined: Sep 26, 2009
Post Count: 3991
Re: Wirings plugin
Thank you for version 1 of this new plug-in. Unfortunately I cannot get it to work.
What did I do: - I made sure I have Pan3D v1.7 installed - I made sure I have Wiring v1.0 installed - I open a new, empty instance of SH3D - ! draw a square of 4 walls and insert a room
- I click the button of the Selection pointer - I click the button of the Wiring tool.
- The background of the Wiring tool turns blue. If I click the button again, the blue background turns white again. That's it. Nothing else happens.
The last button clicked (before clicking the Wiring Tool), determines which action is executed AFTER clicking the Wiring button. If that's clicking the Selection button then the program stays in Selection mode after clicking the Wiring button. When I click a wall to start drawing wiring, I move the wall. When I clcik a floor, I move the floor. When (before clicking the Wiring button) I click the Walls button, then after activating the Wiring plugin, I will draw a wall, not wiring.
- Variations: I tried it on an existing design, I tried it on a new level with equal elevation called WIRING, I tried it with Baseplan Locked. Nothing happens.
I have several other plug-ins installed. Maybe your (combination of) plug-ins doesn't like some of the other plug-ins?
I read your HELP file several times.
Any suggestions??
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
Hello Hans, and thank you for downloading. From your description I suspect you're trying to draw wirings in the plan view (2D), but this is not supported because it would be impossible (or at least very unfriendly) to set the elevation of each point. You have to draw wirings directly on the 3D view by clicking on a wall side surface or on a floor. The button on the toolbar have to be highlighted blue, it doesn't matter which one of the default tools are enabled since they works only in the plan view. Please let me known if you still experience problems, I could eventually make a video tutorial.
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
Glad to hear that! I'm currently working on these new features:
hide/show individual wirings in the 3D view;
hide/show wirings grouped by color-style;
report total length of wirings grouped by color-style;
I'm considering to implement the following features too, but I'm not sure if I really need them:
push/pull wirings into/from surfaces;
wirings to pipe conversion; this would be useful to:
make wirings visible without the plugin installed, even on webviews and js version;
quick creation of complex 3D pipes.
I've prepared a quick poll, if somebody want to take a minute to reply and I'll receive enough feedback I could add the above features to the roadmap: express your wishes
Joined: Sep 26, 2009
Post Count: 3991
Re: Wirings plugin
I haven't had time to test your plug-in extensively. Nevertheless, if I may make a suggestion: - Insert wiring into the active level, so that you can create individual levels (visible or not) for water, electricity, etc. - Divise a way to (more) precisely draw wiring, e.g. start 100 cm from corner and place 100 cms above floor
Keep up the good work :-)
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
A new version is available!
@Hans - wirings are added to the active level since first release :) - I have introduced 2 new features to increase drawing precision: measurement labels and snap to 90° angles!
List of changes in 1.1
Added the ability to display the total length for each tipe of wiring (1)
Added the ability to show/hide all wirings of a give type in the 3D view (1)
Added the ability to show/hide individual wirings in the 3D view
Joined: Feb 5, 2013
Post Count: 137
Re: Wirings plugin
I tested it and it works very well, thanks a lot But I seem to have encountered a bug when I was testing Show/Hide, and it doesn't show up after hiding. But it didn't reproduce it later At that time there were lines of the same color but with different bends
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
@YGYL Thank you for your feedback! I never faced this problem, however if you'll find out how to reproduce the bug please report the detailed steps so that I can reproduce and fix it.