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Re: Wirings plugin

And finally, a last question, I am quite new to SH3D, so I may not think properly ;-)

I would want to draw wirings from the first floor to second floor for instance (and also across rooms). I did a new separate level called "wirings" to put all my wires, and I gave it a height corresponding to both floors. I am not sure I can manage to do what I wanted with this configuration. Across rooms it seems to be ok, though not responding very easily.

Any ideas or suggestions welcome.
[Aug 28, 2024, 6:38:26 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Wirings plugin

It seems that the plugin is not very adapted for homes with intermediate floors (unfortunately, that is my case…).

As an example, if you draw a room at elevation 0, then do another level at elevation 100 with another room (not at the same location), the drawing does not respond very nicely.

I have done a workaround : work on a separate document with only one big high wall, draw wiring on it (with the good elevations at each change of direction), and then copy paste on my main document. Then on the plan, edit the points horizontally as for a polyline.

I still have to do separate levels for wirings at different levels in order that I see them on the plan, but at least I will be able to do my project. I lose the nice property of linking the objects (auto-wiring), but I hope that the new versions will improve on that !
[Aug 29, 2024, 4:24:21 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Wirings plugin

Hi amic,
Switching to openjdk-8 was the solution

Which java version were you using before?

If I manage to find some time, I would be interested in contributing to the french translation, which is quite cumbersome at the moments, for instance ”wiring” is translated « plantes » which has really nothing to do ;-). Could you tell me where I could help you for that ?

Extract the plugin as if it is a ZIP archive (you can use 7zip or any other compression program. Navigate to the subfolder "it\ld\sh3dplugins\wirings\resources\", here you will find a file named "", open it using a text editor, and change the text lines. You can post the file content on the plugin page on sourceforge, and I will insert it in the next release.

A strange behaviour is that when I press ESC after having drawing several points, nothing happens… So I need to manually click on the button "Draw wiring" to untoggle it, then it finishes creating the wire.

The ESC key only works if the 3D view has the focus. This would be the normal condition when working with wirings, however if you click the 2D view or the furniture catalog the 3D view will lose the focus. May be this your case?

I would want to draw wirings from the first floor to second floor for instance (and also across rooms). I did a new separate level called "wirings" to put all my wires, and I gave it a height corresponding to both floors. I am not sure I can manage to do what I wanted with this configuration. Across rooms it seems to be ok, though not responding very easily.

Having a dedicated level (or even multiple levels) for wirings is a good approach.
One limitation is that drawing on the ceilings actually uses the current level height, so if you extend the height to both floors, you won't be able to draw on the ceiling of the first floor. I'm quite sure I made it work this way because ceilings are not "pickable", but perhaps I can find a better workaround.
By the way, I need more details about what you mean with "not responding very easily".

It seems that the plugin is not very adapted for homes with intermediate floors (unfortunately, that is my case…).

As an example, if you draw a room at elevation 0, then do another level at elevation 100 with another room (not at the same location), the drawing does not respond very nicely.

That's true, linking 2 points at different levels and location doesn't work out of the box. The workaround is to set intermediate points:
1) start from the lower level, and set a point on the wall;
2) move the view point at the upper level so that you see the floor at the position where you placed the previous point (on the lower level), and place a point right there (you may check the vertical alignment looking at the 2D view;
3) place a point whenever you want on the upper level, it will work correctly on both floors and walls.
[Aug 30, 2024, 5:08:18 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Wirings plugin

Dear Daniele,
Switching to openjdk-8 was the solution

Which java version were you using before?

I tried with java-11-openjdk, java-17-openjdk, and java-22-openjdk. Both fail. The log message I get starting from a terminal is the following :

WARNING: package not in java.desktop
WARNING: package not in java.desktop
Java 3D: implicit antialiasing enabled
DynamicPluginLoader: plugin.classpath property not set
DynamicPluginLoader: plugin.classpath property not set
Object3DBranchFactory replaced with ExtensibleObject3DFactory
Wiring3DFactory added successfully
View3DEnhancer installed successfully!
Canvas3D scaling: 0.0/0.0

While if I set java-8-openjdk/jre (strangely the name of the version is different but I do not think this is related) I obtain nearly the same message without the warnings and with a better scaling at the end :

Java 3D: implicit antialiasing enabled
DynamicPluginLoader: plugin.classpath property not set
DynamicPluginLoader: plugin.classpath property not set
Object3DBranchFactory replaced with ExtensibleObject3DFactory
Wiring3DFactory added successfully
View3DEnhancer installed successfully!
Canvas3D scaling: 1.0/1.0

A strange behaviour is that when I press ESC after having drawing several points, nothing happens… So I need to manually click on the button "Draw wiring" to untoggle it, then it finishes creating the wire.

The ESC key only works if the 3D view has the focus. This would be the normal condition when working with wirings, however if you click the 2D view or the furniture catalog the 3D view will lose the focus. May be this your case?

No, I am really with the focus on the 3D view. I tried both with a separate window for the 3D panel, or for the integrated panel, nothing changes.

One limitation is that drawing on the ceilings actually uses the current level height, so if you extend the height to both floors, you won't be able to draw on the ceiling of the first floor. I'm quite sure I made it work this way because ceilings are not "pickable", but perhaps I can find a better workaround.
By the way, I need more details about what you mean with "not responding very easily".

Thank you for your help. I am not able to reproduce the « not responding easily » on a simple minimal example. My house is really full of different levels (not one above the next…), and the first model is quite heavy, so that may explain why I do not manage to use the « drawing mode ». I will keep you updated if I find a simple example reproducing my troubles !
[Aug 30, 2024, 8:13:19 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Polylines have wrong width in 3D view

I'm drawing in a ventilation duct and I'm finding that the Wiring polylines have the wrong width in the 3D view. Here's a screenshot:

I'm making this by creating little cylinders of the correct diameter everywhere there is a bend, then using the auto-wire feature to create wiring between those points. It's clunky, but it does work.

(Incidentally, if I could draw the ducts as polylines, then ask the Wiring plugin to import them as wire, that would be a great feature)

In the screenshot above, I made one of the wires the correct width, which is 205 mm so it matches the diameter of the cylinder fragments. This shows correctly in the 2D view, but it is clearly far too thin in the 3D view.

If I create a polyline manually, it shows the correct width in both 2D and 3D.

Is this a bug in the Wiring plugin? Am I doing something wrong?

Other features which would be great to have is rendering the wires as cylinders instead of polylines so they gain thickness. I have some three phase cable which will be quite thick, also I have water pipe.

Thanks for your plugin. It's a killer feature, I can't find anything anything else like it which doesn't cost thousands of euro per year in licensing fees.

[Oct 23, 2024, 2:50:28 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

Joined: Nov 27, 2024
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Re: Wirings plugin

Been trying for a few days to use the wiring plugin to draw electrical and water lines on an existing multi-floor project. Tried on
* Linux Ubuntu with JDK8, 11 & (Virtualbox VM)
* Windows with JDK8 & 11
I installed the plugin Manager then searched and installed Panin3Dview (4.1) then Wirings (4.4 beta2).
When I try to draw lines in the 3D view, I sometimes see the magnet appear in a corner, but never see the lines in the 3D view
The only time I can see the lines is on a basic 4 wall room and even then I have to switch the 3D view to a separate window in order to display a line.
Any suggestion will be welcome

[Nov 27, 2024, 9:40:28 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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