Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
Hi jmg, please check that Pan 3D view plugin is at the latest version. Also check that the plugins folder contains just one file for pan3dview; having more than one may lead to unexpected behaviour.
United States
Joined: Feb 15, 2021
Post Count: 12
Re: Wirings plugin
Hello Daniele, forgive my lack of understanding. I got the PAn3dView plug in installed but I can't find the help section on the menu with the "draw wirings help".
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
Hi Roberto, to use wirings you have to install both Pan 3D view and Wirings plugins. It's highly recommended that you always install the latest version of the plugins, currently Pan 3D view is at 3.7.4 and Wirings at 4.1.1.
If you use SH3D in Italian the help is under Aiuto > Guida disegno impianti.
I strongly recommend to install the Plugin manager first, it helps to manage and keep updated all plugins directly from Sweet Home 3D.
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
Hi Roberto, to add a point to the ceiling you have to hold SHIFT while clicking. For what you ask: 1) place a point on the wall by simple clicking on the wall; 2) place the next point on the ceiling by holding SHIFT and click.
Please not that you cannot jump directly from the floor to the ceiling (in such case the line will go straight through the air), so first move from the floor to the wall, add a point to the wall, then move to the ceiling and add a point holding SHIFT.
Currently there isn't a video tutorial that cover this operation.
Another option is to use the automatic wiring feature. Just select 2 furniture and go to Tools > Link selected furniture (or press the button on the toolbar). One of the furniture could be a switch on a wall and the other a lamp on the ceiling. For this feature I have a video tutorial: Automatic wiring v2
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
Hi Alladyn21, many thanks for your appreciation. There is no way to name wires at the moment, however you could place text next to wires using the default text tool (text can be made visible in the 3D view too). You may also change the color and style of wires to better distinguish them, just select them and use the "edit polyline" entry from the plan menu.
Joined: Apr 10, 2023
Post Count: 3
Re: Wirings plugin
J'ai du désinstaller le plugin wirings qui a fait planté l'appli Sweet Home 3D. J'ai pas mal galéré avant de savoir d'ou venait ce bug, mais grâce à son développeur le plugin en cause a été détecté. Du coup, je n'ai pas de solution pour mon plan de câblage électrique ...
Bien à vous et merci aux développeurs pour leur investissement.
[Edit 1 times,
last edit by Puybaret at Apr 10, 2023, 7:13:10 PM]