Joined: Sep 26, 2022
Post Count: 3
Portable versions since 6.5 don't run on my Win10 PC
Hello, I meet problem with the portable version that doesn't run on my WIN10 PC x64. The last running portable version is 6.4.2.
For info, Sweet Home 3D 7.0.2 runs well with the windows installer. But it seems that the new organization of files in the portable zip since 6.5 makes it impossible for portable Sweet Home 3D to run on my PC.
Joined: Sep 26, 2022
Post Count: 3
Re: Portable versions since 6.5 don't run on my Win10 PC
I don't have any error message. Nothing simply happens, after having double-clicked on "SweetHome3D-windows-x64.exe". I launched the task manager for testing : the "exe" file appears quickly in the task manager window, then disappears and nothing happens...
It appears that the files structure in the zip file ("7z" in fact) is far more complicated than the files organization in an installed folder. I moved some folder and tried to replicate the "installation" folders organization, but I couldn't launche sweetHome3D...
Do you want me to test something else or to give you more details ?
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 460
Re: Portable versions since 6.5 don't run on my Win10 PC
You could try to install this plugin that automatically redirects the console output to a file. Place it under "SweetHome3D-7.0.2-portable\data\plugins" folder. The output will be stored in a file named "log.txt" within the application folder, it should be "C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\eTeks\Sweet Home 3D", regardless you are using the portable or installer version.
If the program crashes before the plugin is loaded then it won't give any output, however it may worth a try.
Joined: Sep 26, 2022
Post Count: 3
Re: Portable versions since 6.5 don't run on my Win10 PC
Thanks for your reply. But _autologger-1.0.sh3p doesn't change anything.
Finally, I have found something :
• I have an ERROR WITH 7-Zip WHEN UNZIPPING the archive "SweetHome3D-7.0.2-portable.7z" : - "Client doesn't have sufficient rights : cannot create symbolic rights" - that concerns these zipped files : ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO, ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION, LICENSE, - in the following folders : "...\Home\legal\...\" - so I choose manually to unzip many files but maybe not sufficient files...
• These files, and the complete archive, CANNOT BE UNZIPPED using a STANDARD PROFILE in my Windows. They CAN using an ADMIN PROFILE ! And usually, I connect with a standard profile to Windows.
• I tried this : unzipping using an admin profile, and launching SweetHome3D using a standard profile : IT RUNS !
• And this : deleted all these concerned files in the 7z archive. Obtained an new 7z archive : this one can be unzipped using a standard profile and SweetHome3D runs well !
I can't explain this... Can be related to 7z format ? Maybe the archive should be zipped in zip format ?