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Using google translate
It's not a blame to use google translate. I use it but with caution. For every phrase I've want to post or send I've have to verify 3 or more times until I obtain an acceptably result. For this I use the double sense arrows to switch between translations. Could be any language which I never heard and know it exist or know their writing. Just switch between translations, modify the phrase in your language, until the output has the same meaning with what you want to say. Sometimes Google don't know some words and let it as is. You have to verify why. It's not a easy task but necessary in a multilingual world. You will see how many differences and meanings are between different phases of translations. This exercises are good also to learn your own language. "First condition to know an foreign language is to know very good your language"
---------------------------------------- A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law When all else fails, read the instructions. Murphy's Law If you don't like "AS IS", DIY. Dorin's law
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
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Re: Using google translate
Google is a "jack-of-all-trades, master of none" translator. Which means that it is actually one of the worst translators. For each language there is a different 'best' translator, usually dedicated to only that language.
The trick is to find which one works best for your language. What I usually do is to type "translate <words> from <language> to English" in DuckDuckGo and among the first few suggestions there's always a site with a good translation.
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Re: Using google translate
About a year ago, Google drastically overhauled its translation software. Since then, their translations for mayor European languages are excellent. I tried about any combination of English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese and they are definitely usable, and more often than not don't need any correction.
United States
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Re: Using google translate
Using Google Translate can be helpful, but it definitely requires careful verification to ensure accuracy. Switching between translations is a smart strategy, and it’s interesting how much we can learn about our own language through this process