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Joined: Apr 8, 2022
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Re: Rotate to merge two projects
You may use the Advanced Editing plugin. That's correct but a bit short to help a newbie
With the Advanced Edit Plugin you can select "Select all on all levels" from the menu. That way you can rotate and move the the entire project to the position you want. Rotate and move are also very useful functions from the same plug-in. Make sure you place the project at the coordinates where it must be inserted into the base project before copying. This last one is important because you can't use the Select-all-on-all-levels after you pasted into the base project because that would also select and move the already existing project.
Make sure the base project has the same levels that the project-to-copy has. If not add them before you start any copy&paste actions.
Next you have to select and copy each level separately and paste it into the same level of the base project. The best way is to first make the level you want to copy the only level visible and then "Select all" (Ctrl+A). Be aware that some objects might be visible (and copied) on multiple levels like a staircase. Just make sure you copy it only from the lowest level or remove the double after you are finished with pasting all levels.
You can't copy&paste all levels at the same time because it will result in all copied levels to be pasted on the same level. In other words, you have to do it level-by-level.
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[Jul 1, 2023, 9:05:23 AM]