Joined: Jul 2, 2023
Post Count: 5
Making a wall with a rectangle opening?
Hi guys. I'm using this to design my first apartment and to practice interior design in general. My kitchen wall has a rectangle cut out so the kitchen's visible from the outside. I can't figure out how to do this in Sweet Home 3D.
I created a wall and set the height lower so it would act as a divider. I want to have a second wall span across the top of the ceiling to finish the illusion of the wall having a rectangular hole in it. But, I can't figure out how to move the wall up. It's sitting on the floor level. I don't see the option in the wall properties (or I'm not looking in the right area).
I'm sure this can be done somehow. If it comes to it I can create a wall in Blender and import it as an obj that allows me to move the z-axis, but I'd like to avoid that.
Also, can we PAN in the 3D view? I can't figure out how. Thank you for any advice!
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 460
Re: Making a wall with a rectangle opening?
About the pan question you have 2 options: - use the aerial view centered on selection (see the FAQ; - install the Pan 3D view plugin (I'm the developer of the plugin).
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1287
Re: Making a wall with a rectangle opening?
I created a wall and set the height lower so it would act as a divider. I want to have a second wall span across the top of the ceiling to finish the illusion of the wall having a rectangular hole in it. But, I can't figure out how to move the wall up. It's sitting on the floor level. I don't see the option in the wall properties (or I'm not looking in the right area).
Like Hans said, the easiest solution is to use the service hatch. You have to understand that only doors and windows can create holes in walls. The service hatch is a 'window'. You can also create your own windows. You could for example resize and rotate a cylinder, export it, and during import check the 'Door or window' checkbox. You now have a cylinder that is a 'window' which creates a round hole in a wall. You can resize and elevate it as you want just like you can resize and elevate the service hatch.
About the raised wall: You can't elevate walls. What you can do is add a level with the elevation set at where you want the upper wall to start and draw the wall on that level with the height so it reaches the top of the walls on the lower level. That will result in what you wanted to see. But as said, if it works for your situation adding the service hatch is easier. By-the-way, you can make the hatch border invisible if you want.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
Joined: Jul 2, 2023
Post Count: 5
Re: Making a wall with a rectangle opening?
*Don't know how to Edit Posts*
About the pan question you have 2 options: - use the aerial view centered on selection (see the FAQ; - install the Pan 3D view plugin (I'm the developer of the plugin).
I just want to say how much I appreciate this! It's an essential tool for viewing! Thank you so much for creating and sharing it with us! Having trouble getting it to work though. If I can't figure it out I'll send you a note on SourceForge!