Joined: Sep 17, 2017
Post Count: 14
Object surfaces reflect environment?
When I do a "quality 3" or "quality 4" 3D photo rendering of objects, the objects' surfaces in the resulting image show reflections of the objects around them. By "objects" I mean .OBJ models that I've loaded as Furniture.
How can I make their surfaces matte and non-reflective?
Nothing I've tried has eliminated these reflections.
I tried reducing the material value "Ns" in the objects' .mtl from 750 to 150. That made no difference.
I've tried changing rendering values in every rendering mode I can find: - when using the default SunFlow settings - when using the default YafaRay settings - when using Enko Nyito's "Photo-video rendering 2.5.1" plugin - when using Enko Nvito's "Advanced settings of photo rendering (v1.4)" plugin
Hopefully I'm overlooking something simple.
Is there a way I can upload an image so you can see this effect? I don't see an "attachment" option in the forum's post editor. Or have I not yet made enough posts?
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 460
Re: Object surfaces reflect environment?
You may take this lecture to get a better understanding of the mtl parameters. The Ns is the specular exponent, it tells how much rough the surface looks. Please note that rough doesn't mean matte. A rough surface makes less precise reflections, such as a steel plate, as opppsite to chromed surfaces. To get a non reflective surface you must set the specular color (Ks) to 0 0 0.
Joined: Sep 17, 2017
Post Count: 14
Re: Object surfaces reflect environment?
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, it didn't help.
Replacing the Ks line with Ks 0.0 0.0 0.0 made no difference whatsoever in the rendered image. :(
I deleted two of the offending objects from SH3D, both from the Catalog pane and from the 2D layout pane. They disappeared from the 3D preview pane. Then I edited their .mtl files and reloaded them using the menu item Furniture/Import furniture.... After placing them appropriately in the 2D layout, I generated a photo using Sunflow at the next-to-highest quality level.
The two objects are still displaying reflections of each another in the rendered image.
reflecting.png is a 1200x720 image rendered by SH3D showing the issue. The tall object is reflected in the top of the smaller object which is in front. The smaller object is reflected on the upper-inside of the taller one.
reflecting.sh3d is an SH3D project containing two furniture objects which reflect each other
sh3d_reflecting_screengrab.png is a screengrab showing SH3D (and its render settings) after it completed rendering the image.
TAMH_internal_stairs.mtl TAMH_internal_stairs.obj and TAMH_long_room.mtl TAMH_long_room.obj
are the two objects which reflect each other.
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 460
Re: Object surfaces reflect environment?
Also remember that you can change the shininess of materials from the furniture modification dialog, and export the object to check what changes in the mtl file.
Joined: Sep 17, 2017
Post Count: 14
Re: Object surfaces reflect environment?
Nope, sorry, "illum 2" made no difference whatsoever.
(I verified that SH3D was in fact using the .mtl that contained the illum statement: I saved the revised project file (giving it a different name). Then I opened the .sh3d file using 7zip and examined the .mtl information that it was actually using. The "illum 2" statement was there. I also noticed that it had reordered the lines in the material definition so that illum was first instead of last where I'd put it. I'm guessing that implies that SH3D recognized them OK.)
Maybe I haven't described my problem very well. My problem is not that the surfaces look glossy, but rather that they seem to be acting like mirrors. You actually can see a reflection of the adjacent object on the surface of the other object -- not just highlights, but an actual reflected image.
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 460
Re: Object surfaces reflect environment?
Then the way should be your first attempt, the Ns parameter. Consider valid values range from 0 to 1000, with 1000 meaning smooth like a mirror and 0 meaning rough. Try to set it to 0.
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 460
Re: Object surfaces reflect environment?
Also do not try to edit files within zip archives, although 7zip allows this, SH3D doesn't see the changes, it still use the original version. Always work on flat files and eventually create a new zip from scratch.
Joined: Sep 17, 2017
Post Count: 14
Re: Object surfaces reflect environment?
Well, my problem is partially solved:
I finally saw the "shininess" option in lower right corner of the "modify furniture" popup. (The popup you get when you double-click on an object currently in use in the 2D panel.) When I selected its "matt" radio button, the reflections stopped being drawn. Re-selecting "original" restored them.
Unfortunately, this option has to be applied individually to each object that's currently visible. I would have liked to apply the matt option to the object in the Catalog view (so it doesn't have be applied each time) and to only one of the surface colors, but this seems to be an acceptable compromise for the moment.
So far I haven't found a non-reflective object in the Catalog which doesn't also have a surface texture image (which I'd rather avoid). I'll keep looking.