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Hi, I would like new category "Tools". I'm able to create mine but I couldn't move other tools in it. Also I would like to be able to translate some imported collections like "Lumber", "miscellaneous" (when there's another translated "Divers"), "Plumming" (and to move everything is related). Maybe sub-categories would be nice like "Food" into "Kitchen" and "Plants", "Vehicles" & "Ways" into "Exterior"
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
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Re: Categories
When you import furniture you can set a category name of your choice. The category will be 'created' automatically. (There is no real list of categories, the list is created by getting the unique category names from all the furniture.)
For existing furniture in your catalog it depends if the furniture is part of a library or independently imported furniture.
For furniture not in a library (i.e. furniture you imported before) you can select 'Change model' after you double-click on the furniture in the catalog list. You actually import the same model again but now you can set the category.
For furniture that is part of a furniture library you need to use the Furniture Library Editor. With the editor you can select the furniture and change the category. You can do that for any library, including the libraries you downloaded and imported, but be aware that importing a library update will reset your changes. After making your changes save the library and use 'Import Furniture Library' in Sweet Home 3D, choose 'Replace' and all furniture in the library will be re-imported with your changed category names.
Sweet Home 3D doesn't support sub-categories but you can get around that by using category names like 'Exterior-Plants', 'Exterior-Vehicles', etc. Not perfect but it might be a partial solution. A better way is to use the catalog with 'Searchable list' (see preferences). You can type in any (partial) key word. This is especially useful when you have created your own furniture libraries because there you can set the keywords of your choice for every model. The searchable list is pretty smart because you can enter a filter like 'exte pla' which will filter all furniture with the keywords 'exterior' and 'plants'. Considering your sub-category wish you could select the category 'Exterior' and use the search filter 'plant' to get what you want.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
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Re: Categories
OK so I still need to modify existing library that came with SH3D.
Yes, if you insist on changing categories. But most models in those libraries have multiple keywords so using the Searchable List should make filtering a good alternative without having to change the categories. Maybe one day we will get an option to keep the set category when importing an updated library.
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Re: Categories
Well I believe it would be better to have list by (sortable by drag'n'drop) categories and a Search available because I dislike big icons (I prefer a list) or a switch to change between small and big icons.
The Library would also be nice with automatic closing categories : when you open one another closes.
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Re: Categories
Now about FurnitureLibraryEditor-1.31.jar it simply crashes when I try to edit something in my exported own furniture library (I couldn't share because I don't know who created models I had to convert, import, texturize, etc. You know some very same models are published by various people and it's impossible to know real creator.) It seems to me Furniture (and Texture) Library Editor would be better when integrated inside SH3D as plugin.
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Re: Categories
Now about FurnitureLibraryEditor-1.31.jar it simply crashes when I try to edit something in my exported own furniture library (I couldn't share because I don't know who created models I had to convert, import, texturize, etc. You know some very same models are published by various people and it's impossible to know real creator.) It seems to me Furniture (and Texture) Library Editor would be better when integrated inside SH3D as plugin.
Strange, so far I never had any problems with any version of the Library Editor. You could try version 2.0 beta7. Does it crash with another library too? Do you get an error message?
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Re: Categories
Well, it's crashed a lot in the past, and it crashed yesterday. Anyway, it would be better if it were integrated as a plugin. I already use so many apps to add templates that I'd rather limit the import-export between them all.
I don't use betas, final versions should simply work. OK, my furnitures aren't always from very clever sources. I trash a lot of these.
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Re: Categories
Opening from Sweet Home 3D requires that it knows which library and where the library is located, which is NOT the default Sweet Home 3D library directory if you do it right. Maybe that is why you have the crashes.
Do you edit a library in the Sweet Home 3D library directory? Maybe even when Sweet Home 3D is open?
If you do, than change your work flow. Edit the library in a different location and after saving import from that location. The library importer will copy it to the Sweet Home 3D library directory. Editing in a different location has the advantage that you can keep Sweet Home 3D open while editing the library. It also provides a location for all your libraries, even those not imported.
I like the editors as separate tools.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
[Edit 1 times,
last edit by Keet at Sep 7, 2023, 4:21:47 PM]
Joined: Aug 17, 2023
Post Count: 83
Re: Categories
I successfully exported a custom Library from a custom category called Tools. I successfully opened it in FurnitureLibraryEditor-1.31.jar in a very own folder "Files" in my Linux Home, then when I tried to edit a Furniture, end of the game, it crashed immediately, stopped to work, extinguished.