Hi there! I've been using Sweethome3D for some smaller projects, like rearranging the furniture to a single room in the past.
Now I've bought an old House (until now I've been renting a small flat). For renovating and redeveloping this house to our needs I've been working together with an architect. This guy has at the first place generated a 3D-model of our house in archiCAD. Now I am thinking about putting furniture and stuff like that to the house and wanted to use Sweethome3d for it.
So I thought I could just import the 3D-Model from the architect to SH3D. But I couldn't find out how to import a complete house model to SH3D. Not in the software but even not in the help / this forum I could find something to import a complete house model from a different format Is there any possibility to import a complete house model from an other software?
I've got 3D-model-exports in the file-formats: 3DS, 3DM, OBJ and DAE ArchiCAD cannot export to SH3D-Format.
Is there someone out there who can help me?
I am new to this forum, so if I posted this to the wrong thread, sorry!
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9421
Re: Import a house model from ArchiCAD
Sorry, Sweet Home 3D isn't able to import homes designed with another software. It can only import blueprint images upon which you can redraw walls in a few minutes.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1281
Re: Import a house model from ArchiCAD
I don't think a converter to the .sh3d format exists and I doubt it's even possible to create such a converter. Sweet Home 3D is essentially different from CAD software. Think of it as CAD software for the architect, engineers, and builders and Sweet Home 3D for the interior designer. Two completely different fields. Use a blue print as Emmanuel advised to draw the walls. That's not to difficult and for the interior design you don't need the technical details a CAD design offers. Then add the furniture which isn't available on the blue prints anyway.
You can import the 3DS or DAE exports you have but they represent the full house (or a floor) as a single object. It's very unlikely that you can use that for designing the interior in Sweet Home 3D. Draw the walls using the blue print as a background image and go from there.
---------------------------------------- Dodecagon.nl 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
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Re: Import a house model from ArchiCAD
You’ve made a good point about the differences between CAD software and Sweet Home 3D. Indeed, they serve different purposes and are tailored to distinct aspects of design and planning. While CAD is more technical and detailed for architects and engineers, Sweet Home 3D is user-friendly for interior designers who focus on the aesthetic and functional aspects of a space.
Using a blueprint as a reference to draw walls in Sweet Home 3D is a practical approach. It allows you to create a basic layout upon which you can build your interior design. As you mentioned, importing 3DS or DAE files might not be ideal for detailed interior work since they treat the model as a single object, but they can still be useful for visualizing the overall space.
Joined: Sep 10, 2019
Post Count: 2
Re: Import a house model from ArchiCAD
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