Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Sweet Home 3D 2.3
The first Beta of Sweet Home 3D 2.3 is out and is available as a Java Web Start application. At this time, it provides a few bug fixes and the ability to enter the values of a new dimension with the keyboard after pressing the Enter key.
Expect more features in the next Beta updates.
Developer comment: Sweet Home 3D 2.3 was released on 03/21/2010.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
[Edit 1 times,
last edit by Puybaret at Mar 21, 2010, 8:41:14 PM]
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.3
I updated the Beta with a new feature and bug fixes: - Added a new indicator in the back of the virtual visitor shown in plan to let you easily change the elevation of his view point - Fixed a bug that prevented to easily enter numbers greater than 9999 in spinner text fields.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.3
I updated the Beta version with the two following features: - Increased maximum elevation to 25 meters (I won't go higher at this time, otherwise some black parts might appear at the horizon) - Added 3D view > Display in separate window menu item. Please, users with multiple screens, test if this feature satisfies your needs, and if the 3D view of a saved home is open at the good location when you reopen it.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.3
The version 2.3 Beta 6 is out with two new long awaited features: - Group / Ungroup selected furniture with new menu items from the Furniture menu - Panning with the new Pan mode accessible from the tool bar and the Plan > Pan menu item. Panning mode can also be temporarily switched on by pressing the space bar.
I fixed also the unit bug Hans found in the previous Beta version.
Enjoy and feel free to give me some feedback
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
[Edit 2 times,
last edit by Puybaret at Feb 6, 2010, 3:23:59 PM]
Joined: Sep 26, 2009
Post Count: 3990
Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.3
C'est magnifique!!
I downloaded the newest beta and it works great. Bugs nicely fixed. Great!
The group function works VERY nice. You can even nest groups, and the function remembers the subgroups. Great!
One small request, if I may. Remove from the right-click menu the Import background image... and replace it with Group and Ungroup . I think people don't use the Background command very much, just at the beginning, but not during the design process. Group/Ungroup on the other hand will be used throughout the design process, so it would be nice to have it in the right-click menu.
I tried the Pan command and it works nicely. I was expecting the space bar to work as a toggle switch, but instead it works even better: as long as you keep the space bar pressed, the Pan command is active. Great!
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.3
Thank you for your tests.
Group and Ungroup menu items are in the popup menu of the furniture list. I'll rename them as Group furniture and Ungroup furniture and add them to the plan popup menu too.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Feb 7, 2010
Post Count: 1
Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.3
Thank you for implementing the "3D view in separate window" feature. It works perfectly, on loading a home save with the option on, the 3D view goes to same place I had saved it on the 2nd monitor.
One additional remark about panning in the 3D view: When dragging the mouse, I find it a bit too sensitive, i.e. slightly dragging to one side suddenly turns the view around a lot, and it is quite hard to get a specific view angle.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
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Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.3
If you find that dragging is too sensitive in the 3D view, please drag keeping the shift key pressed. Many people don't know this tip and I wonder if inverting the shift and no shift behaviors should be better, but I'm not sure all users would appreciate.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.3
The version 2.3 Beta 7 of this week brought these new features: - Zoom in plan with the mouse wheel and ctrl key (or cmd key under Mac OS X) - A new option in preferences to replace the category folders displayed in the furniture catalog by a searchable list - Added navigation arrows at the top left corner of the 3D view. I hope these arrows are correctly displayed and this feature doesn't slow down 3D rendering. These arrows may be hidden with the matching option in preferences, but I chose to display them by default because I think they might be very useful for Sweet Home 3D beginners (I read in many places that 3D navigation was awkward, but my feeling is that these users just didn't read the help).
French and English help was updated accordingly.
As always, enjoy and feel free to give me some feedback.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Sep 26, 2009
Post Count: 3990
Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.3
Until v2.3b6 SH3D auto-started the program after downloading. When closing the program you could see an icon on the desktop (see picture). When double-clicking the icon a small window opened asking whether this was a trusted program. After clicking YES the icon changed to the SH3D icon and you could start the program from the desktop.
Now, in v2.3b7 I get a warning message, but I cannot start the program. I preferred the way this was handled in v6 and older.
The group/ungroup in the pop-up menu is very nice. The searchable model list works very well, especially because I have many imported models. The fact that it also searches while typing, and the fact that it finds teh search string in the middle of a name is very handy.
The circle with rotation in the 3D preview works correct when in Virtual Visit. In Aerial View only the outer buttons seem to work. It seems the inner buttons don't have a function. Also there is the problem that you cannot zoom in on your scene anymore.
Because I can't start the program now, I can't test-drive it further to see what's going on.