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Re: problem to 3d view
...True but in the specific case placing the sliding "door/window" (even yours) at 180° on a 93° wall gives rise to the transparency error. However, the fact remains that the "door/window" has blocked dimensions and therefore if placed (for example only yours but equally mine) on a wall of different depth this involves either the FRAME coming out or the cavity in the insertion wall . To obtain compliance, it is necessary to export the object to the library and re-import it, modifying only its width. Yes, the disadvantage is that you create a door/window specifically for a set wall thickness. I solve that by creating copies for different wall thicknesses when I create a door or window. Usually that's easy because it's only the outerframe I have to resize for a specifc wall thickness while the innerframe and door/window remain the same. The real good advantage is that the door or window doesn't deform into an object with huge handles when you use it on the wall thickness it is created for.
If you mean by "transparency error" that moving a door in the 3Dview is wrong when positioned at an angle you are correct. That's not because you are doing something wrong but it's a bug in the Pan3dview plugin. Deformation in the 3Dview is still an experimental feature. I already reported that problem but it's not an easy one to solve.
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[Mar 11, 2024, 12:46:01 PM]