United States
Joined: Mar 20, 2024
Post Count: 1
Hide elements from Map but not 3D View
Hi, I encounter this problem constantly, so I am hoping there is a simple solution. I often have very large elements ("furniture") that are cover a majority of a room and often they are on the ceiling or otherwise above most other furniture (for example, currently I'm working on a retail space that has a large HVAC duct going across the entire length of the room, as well as wooden beams/slats every 1 ft on the wooden ceiling) These elements, when visible cover the room, so I can't select or work on any furniture below in the 2D map. I can of course hide them, but then they are also hidden in the 3D view, which then looks incorrect. Furthermore there are often multiple such elements and then I have to group them together so I can hide and show them with one click, which makes the group even larger, and harder to handle.
So: Is there a way to hide elements from the 2D plan but not the 3D virtual visitor view?
One thing I have tried is to create another level at the same elevation and move the elements to that level. That way I can quickly hide and show all of them without grouping them. HOWEVER: Sometimes that works just fine, and sometimes that completely messes with the room. For example, it now does not show the ceiling at all in the 3D view and is open to the sky.
SO: What is the proper way to deal with ceiling elements and other "furinture" that gets in the way of working with the map in 2D, while still keeping the 3D view intact?
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1209
Re: Hide elements from Map but not 3D View
There is a neat trick to handle this. On each object you can set the property "Part of base plan". Some objects are part of the base plan by default like walls, floors, doors, and windows. This property does nothing until you lock the 2D plan. You can lock/unlock with the little lock in the top left corner of the 2Dview or Ctrl+alt+L or right click in the 2Dview and select from the context menu. When you lock the 2Dview all objects that have this property set will be locked which means that they don't move, can't be selected, and don't interfere with other objects you are moving around. If you want to move or edit one of these objects just unlock the base plan.
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