Joined: Jun 9, 2024
Post Count: 5
Win11 crash
I've had no problems using the program in Win 10 and recently had to change my PC which runs Win11 64bit. My new PC has an AMD Ryzen 5 4600G with Radeon Graphics 3.70 GHz graphics card with 8GB of memory. I've updated to the newest version and can open my old files, but as soon as I try an do anything the program just shuts down. I've read through the forum and can't find any problem similar and done as suggested for other issues, downloaded and installed java 9.0.1_windows-x64, but I still have the same problem. Can you help please ? Thanks.
Joined: Jun 9, 2024
Post Count: 5
Re: Win11 crash
Hi, thanks for the reply, but not being too technical it's a bit over my head. Would you recommend I do anything to rectify the situation you think I'm in and if so how would I do it?
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Win11 crash
Are you able to open a demo available from File > New from demo menu item or an example in the gallery?
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Jun 9, 2024
Post Count: 5
Re: Win11 crash
Hi and thanks for your reply.
I can cownload, open and use several files from the gallery with no problems. As soon as I open one of my files whilst the gallery files are open, the whole program crashes and becomes stagnant, nothing moves in any of the open files.
I have noticed that when I open my files, although I can't do anything with them I can see the content. I've noticed that a number of items I used in my layouts, cars, furniture etc, are not present and a stop watch is in it's place. When I had to change computers I copied all the folders and content to exactly the same locations as in my old computer, so not sure what the stop watch means and could this be a factor in my problem ?
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Win11 crash
It sounds that your file needs more memory to run. First thing to check is whether you run Sweet Home 3D 32 bit or 64 bit in About dialog box. If you run the 32 bit version, run again the installation program and select the 64 bit option when prompted. This should solve your issue.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Jun 9, 2024
Post Count: 5
Re: Win11 crash
Hi, I'm running version 11.0.18 64 Bit 0.1/2 GB. My windows is 64 Bit as is my processor. I have 8GB of RAM with 7.37 GB useable. I hab 8 GB in my old PC also.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Win11 crash
Then it’s probably your project which is too big or contains too big objects. You could try to display the Model size column to hide or remove the largest ones, but if you can’t even do that because it constantly crashes, send it to me (or share it), I’ll try to understand what’s going on and fix it.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1229
Re: Win11 crash
Hi, I'm running version 11.0.18 64 Bit 0.1/2 GB. My windows is 64 Bit as is my processor. I have 8GB of RAM with 7.37 GB useable. I hab 8 GB in my old PC also.
8GB is on the minimum side for a windows system. Look it up, but windows takes about half of that for its own use. That leaves 4GB for applications. That '7.37GB usable' is a bogus number, it includes most of what windows itself uses too. If memory is really the problem for the projects you want to load then you should try to increase the max memory that Sweet Home 3D can use to 3 or 4GB. I think the default is 2GB but with bigger projects that is not enough. Don't use programs that use a lot of memory like a browser at the same time as Sweet Home 3D. Consider upgrading with more memory, an extra 8GB is very cheap and 16GB total is nowadays considered normal, especially with windows.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Win11 crash
Keet, unless you design a very large project with many different 3D models, Sweet Home 3D doesn't require that much memory, and I won't push anyone to buy more RAM. By the way, under Windows 64 bit, it's configured to use by default a maximum of half of the available memory.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator