Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1223
Re: Octagon Window
Create your window on a second level. This ensures that the room which you will use to create the glass has a thickness > 0.
First create the octagon border for the window. The easiest way is to first install the Regular Room plugin. With that plugin you can create an octagonal room. Select the wall icon on the toolbar and double click on the room. It should create octagonal walls around the room. Adjust the height and thickness of the walls to what you want the border to be. Export only the walls to 'Border,obj'. Do not delete the room yet!
Select and export the room to 'Glass.obj'. Change the material name to 'Glass' in the obj file. In the MTL file remove the 'newmtl' block and replace it with this:
newmtl Glass illum 2 Ka 0.0 0.0 0.0 Kd 0.009412 0.009412 0.009412 Ks 0.039062 0.039062 0.039062 Ns 1.960784 Ni 1.45 d 0.5
Import the Glass object. Adjust the thickness of the glass since it will be as thick as a floor is. Position the glass inside the border. You can enlarge the glass a little so it sinks partially into the border (keep proportions, readjust thickness). Elevate the glass to where you want it to fit in the border. Export both Border and Glass together to 'OctagonWindow.obj. Import the window and turn it vertical (Modify furniture, set X to 270). Export it again. Import the window agin but now check 'Door or window' in the import dialog.
Done, there's your octagonal window. When you modify the window you will have two materials: Border and Glass.
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