Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1225
Re: Dodecagon
I added a new library: Escalators. I don't think many users will need these since escalators are something you mainly see in big buildings. But big buildings is what I do mostly in Sweet Home 3D when I'm not creating furniture.
There is something special in the library: each escalator has an accompanying staircase that spans the same height as the escalator. These staircases are 100% created with shapes created with the "Generate 3D shape" plugin tool. Every single part. No predefined shapes like boxes were used.
(super kudos for who recognizes the guitar player in the display window)
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
[Edit 1 times,
last edit by Keet at Aug 26, 2024, 6:28:10 PM]
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1225
Re: Dodecagon
By request I have added Light Displays for posters or advertising to the Shop Library. 5 formats: ABRI (bus stop shelter), B0, B1 (movie posters), A0, and A1. Set the light power between 0.5% and 4% depending on the surrounding light and the poster you add to the display.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
Joined: Jul 26, 2020
Post Count: 63
Re: Dodecagon
Lot of model you have there, I'm going to give the Kitchen one a try. Maybe it'll flow better than the curent one.
The curent one: (Even made some 'custom' model in this)
I'm more comfortable writing in English, but I can also write in French. ,___, (OvO) Hoot /)_) " "
Joined: Jul 26, 2020
Post Count: 63
Re: Dodecagon
So I've started to use your kitchen models, and I've noticed something. The dishwasher doesn’t perfectly aline with the Cabinet 100 Double Sink model, and so is the Cabinet Corner.
Maybe it’s just my nick picking mind and it should look like this. Or this is just a small issue. I even tried to change the format of the models, and still it does not aline.
I always prefer when the kitchen countertop aline with each other. Look better, in my opinion.
I'm more comfortable writing in English, but I can also write in French. ,___, (OvO) Hoot /)_) " "
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1225
Re: Dodecagon
You're right. It's that specific corner, not the dishwasher. It appears to have the wrong border. I will look into it.
When aligning try to use align side-by-side. You can select a row of cabinets and use side-by-side aligning to perfectly align the whole row in one go. No need to align them one by one.
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Re: Dodecagon
Oh! I've never used the side-by-side option I've alway done it manualy.
Also I've made the full kitchen;
Maybe I should give the side-by-side option a try and see if it would fix the small gap between the Cabinet 40 Drawers and the Cabinet Corner. There is also a small gap between the dishwasher and the Cabinet Corner.
I'm more comfortable writing in English, but I can also write in French. ,___, (OvO) Hoot /)_) " "
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1225
Re: Dodecagon
That's a big kitchen
Try switching the refrigerator and high cabinet on the right. The border in the middle of the high cabinet should perfectly align with border of the lower cabinets.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
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Re: Dodecagon
The Kitchen library is updated. The Corner Cabinet had a wrong border and toekick that prevented it from correctly aligning with other cabinets. This is fixed. The model is also partially optimized. The object size is now less than half of what is was before. Some time next year all models in this library will be optimized.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
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Post Count: 63
Re: Dodecagon
I'm not sure I undestand what you mean by "The border in the middle of the high cabinet should perfectly align with border of the lower cabinets"
As for the udated library, if I importe the 'new' models to Sweet Home. Will it update the one alredy in my models library, or will it creat a copy of the model? Like I will have both the old 'Corner Cabinet' and the updated one.
I'm more comfortable writing in English, but I can also write in French. ,___, (OvO) Hoot /)_) " "
So I imported the new models and it replaced the old one in my library. So that's good.
So I changed both corner cabinet in my house.
Now only the dishwasher front face doesn't align with the rest. But just by a small bit.
This is the full view of the Kitchen, no more gap between the toe kick, I've even added back my backsplash.
I'm more comfortable writing in English, but I can also write in French. ,___, (OvO) Hoot /)_) " "