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Re: Dodecagon
I put a sink, dishwasher, and other cabinet next to each other and aligned them side-by-side. I don't see a problem with the dishwasher alignment. It does have a different handle because it's an appliance, not a cabinet. Maybe you a refering to that.
I see that you switched the refrigerator and high cabinet on the right. Nice that the cabinet borders align with the middle border in the high cabinet, not? Although that's a little hard to see when the tops and borders have the same color.
Did you open the dishwasher? You can pull out each of the wire drawers and even flip the little plastic shelfs on the top drawer If you don't need that you can use the other dishwasher in the library where the inside is removed leaving a much smaller model in object size (830kB vs 53kB, wire drawers are expensive in object size!).
Thank you for sharing your kitchen with us!
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Re: Dodecagon
I was referring to the countertop, the dark area. By manually moving the model in my house, I managed to make it look seamless. Now I just need an oven to fit and it will be all good. But I wonder something, will you do a corner sink model? I used a plan to make this, and it has a double corner sink... I just never found a model that would fit, so I just used a normal double sink.
Here another angle for the High cabinet, maybe I should put the middle vorder back to it normal gray, but I think it look nice like this... Or maybe I should put it white;
I used the dishwasher model with the inside removed. But I did try the option to open it, just to see how it looked.
I'm more comfortable writing in English, but I can also write in French. ,___, (OvO) Hoot /)_) " "
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Re: Dodecagon
The high cabinet is not right. The borders are supposed to line up. I will see what went wrong. Maybe I put the wrong version in the library.
I was referring to the countertop, the dark area. By manually moving the model in my house, I managed to make it look seamless.
When I align (side-by-side) the dishwasher with the same corner as you used, then my alignment is perfect. Both the top and the border. I'm not sure how you get your mis-alignment.
But I wonder something, will you do a corner sink model?
Some time ago I started with a corner sink but never finished it. The Kitchen library is one of my oldest libraries, most models aren't optimized yet and I don't use it very much myself. It will be end of next year before I have time to completely rebuild this library. It's a huge job but it will be worth it. The corner sink might be added then too.
Now I just need an oven to fit and it will be all good.
I'll see if I can add a cabinet with a closed front. Than you can use one of the many available oven fronts to have an oven that fits in the kitchen. My own oven is like the corner sink a work in progress that is not finished. A big job too because I want a lighted touch panel for the oven controls
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Re: Dodecagon
Kitchen Library I added a new model with a closed front. You can use it as a base for an oven by adding a model of an oven front. Many can be found online, for example here:
The wrong border on the high cabinets was no error. As I mentioned before, this is one of my oldest libraries and I forgot why that border was different: if I aligned it with the cabinets the border would stick out to the front because the cabinet tops extend over the front of the doors/drawers. For the high cabinets that looks ugly and wrong. Something I have to remember when I start rebuilding this library.
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Re: Dodecagon
I put the dishwasher with the corner and the sink on a different wall... I still get the misalignment. I aligned them (side-by-side) and on the wall side... I have no idea why it does this...
I will try that closed model of you and show you the result once I'm done :D
I'm more comfortable writing in English, but I can also write in French. ,___, (OvO) Hoot /)_) " "
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Re: Dodecagon
So I made the oven, look quite nice.
I get a small misalignment with the Cabinet 30 Drawers. I did try to manually align it like I did with the dishwasher... But wasn't able to do so.
I'm more comfortable writing in English, but I can also write in French. ,___, (OvO) Hoot /)_) " "
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
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Re: Dodecagon
Your misalignment with the dishwasher looks like a difference in elevation. Both cabinets and dishwasher should have elevation 0. If you don't use side-by-side alignment, at least align them at the top.
Same with the 30cm drawers cabinet. Using side-by-side or top alignment I get it perfect.
To be perfecty clear: put cabinets and dishwasher roughly next to each other. No need to touch or align, just in the correct order you want them. select them all and then use align side-by-side from the context menu. The result should be that all tops are aligned and perfectly against each other.
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Re: Dodecagon
So I tried the 'roughly next to each other' method. Then I used the side-by-side alignment. But still get the same misalignment. As you can see the back of all the furniture perfectly align with each other... but not the front eadge...
Here is the furniture size;
I didn't change them, I simply put them in my plan and aligned them... I really don't know what's going on. I have the latest Sweet Home and your latest Kitchen library...
I'm more comfortable writing in English, but I can also write in French. ,___, (OvO) Hoot /)_) " "
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1225
Re: Dodecagon
I have no idea how you get that misalignment. I do exactly the same as I told in my previous post: roughly drag the models in place and use align side-by-side to put them together. Everything aligns perfectly, both at the top and the border:
Could you start a new project and simply try the same models and alignment method? Maybe set the preferences to the decimal system to compare with the numbers in my image. I don't think the imperial system itself can cause this, as far as I know it is always decimal in the background.
If that does align as it should there is something else in your project that causes this or the dishwasher was accidentally resized.
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