United States
Joined: Jul 27, 2024
Post Count: 4
Lost my file?
I've been happily using the free downloaded version on my M2 Mac Air. So today when I was browsing for glass walls etc. I decided that I should pay the developer and downloaded the Sweet Home 3D from the App store.
I thought I was good until I closed the app and reopened it. Where are my old files? ! I've been searching for info and found the 2 different eteks folders in the application libraries but the one I called "bathroom draft.."(something like that) is nowhere to be found. Fortunately there is one file that has most of the basic information and I can recreate but really is this a feature?
Why did my old files get wiped out? I can't find them anywhere! not with search on the file extenstion, not on TIme Machine....What am I missing?
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Lost my file?
Sweet Home 3D doesn’t delete the files you created by itself. They must be somewhere on your disk, search them with .sh3d extension.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
United States
Joined: Jul 27, 2024
Post Count: 4
Re: Lost my file?
I did that of course. Perhaps my error was thinking that I'd saves the file when I hadn't? I only have one .sh3d file on my computer but when I was in the free app I was able to access several different versions by going to File/Recents. Can anyone explain this behavior? thanks
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Lost my file?
Maybe you were working all the time on an automatically recovered file. As such files are not saved at the same place in the free and Apple Store versions, it wasn’t found… yet. In the Finder, select Go > Go to… menu item, enter ~/Library/Application Support/eTeks/Sweet Home 3D/recovery (tilde sign included) and copy/paste the file you’ll find there to another place. Change its extension from recovered to sh3d and try to open it.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator