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rose The method of creating an animated interior. Presentation

Dear Xiste previously explained in detail the secrets of an animated film for working in SH3D. This is a frame-by-frame work that is based on several processing methods. Either creating separate frames and combining them into a cartoon, or in some cases replacing such work with tricks with camera movement. These methods are very labor-intensive, I tried them. Frame-by-frame work is very dependent on the rendering time of each frame, if the rendering is long, then frame-by-frame work loses its meaning. Such a short film will take forever, it's one continuous manual labor, no automation. We have to simplify the light and simplify the models in order to reduce the working time, and this is a direct way to a primitive result. I suggest a simpler and more realistic method to work with. It is based on the design of one high-quality render, you need to spend the main effort on it. In my example, the render is 1500x1120 (4:3), the base image is loaded for 13 hours, the third level of quality, Lighting with invisible hemispheres, I have already described this earlier and still advertise it. The rest of the daylight was spent on post-processing. What will be required? Two types of images. 1. In video format on a green background 2. and in PNG format, just pictures of people or animals. I have not yet learned how to remove a complex background from any video, I use only videos on a green background, I have learned how to remove this background. But I understand that you can learn to remove any background. To prepare videos on a transparent background, I use the free VSDC video editor. It is very simple and intuitive. In this editor, you can deform the video image and simulate the characters walking in space. After you have come up with the placement of characters (pictures and videos) in the render, you need to make mask layers. The bottom layer is always a completely intact raw render, the base. Then the necessary cut-out objects are superimposed on it (processing and cutting in the online Photoshop photo editor or any other free photo editor). This technique is very similar to the decoupage technique. The layers look like this. I made 6 layers for this movie.

I made the figures of people with 80% transparency. This way they do not overlap the interior and do not become too intrusive. The interior should always remain the main thing. These images need to be placed between the corresponding mask layers. All this work is in the video editor, I use the free version of videoPad. I left the figures and videos closest to the viewer completely opaque, I made transparency only with the help of long manifestations and fades through transparency (video effects in VideoPad). This way the front characters become more vivid and convey space better. The distant characters are like in a fog, not so contrasting. The figure of a man on a chair with his back is made with 90% transparency. This is a creative process, but everything should emphasize the importance of the interior itself, the details should be visible everywhere. This method of working through a video editor is much easier than working in SH3D using invisible boxes (the Keet method). You can change the position of people, the time of their appearance relative to the music. And the most interesting thing is that freeze frames from the finished video can be shown as separate full-fledged renderers!! the render needs to be done once, and there may be a lot of pictures in the end!!!

And another observation. Pictures with figures of PNG people on request "for Photoshop" pops up thousands of great options. There are very few suitable videos. I realized that I need to use videos only a little bit (cats, dogs), mainly apply photos of people on a transparent background. The video will make the picture more interesting and lively, but the main work should be given to high-quality photos. This way it turns out to be much more diverse, there will be no repetitions from project to project. smile

Party in the room blushing
[Jul 29, 2024, 10:43:32 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The method of creating an animated interior. Presentation

As usual great work!
Is the seat of the chair with the man on the right really that long or is it a perpective glitch?
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[Jul 29, 2024, 11:42:15 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The method of creating an animated interior. Presentation

Yes, I'm applying a 93 degree camera angle to cover more space. Due to such a wide angle, objects at the edges of the frame are heavily distorted. It's inevitable. And it's better not to disfigure people))). Therefore, there is a contradiction between ugly chairs and harmonious people, this is life)). You can make part of the walls invisible and move the camera away, make the viewing angle smaller, but I'm often too lazy))) biggrin
[Jul 29, 2024, 11:48:56 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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rose Re: The method of creating an animated interior. Presentation

I have discovered a large number of high-quality videos that are produced in the Marvelous Designer program. Fashion designers work professionally in it, and it is an excellent material for working with the interior (presentations). I quickly made a video based on these models of people in chic clothes. Of course, I myself am unlikely to be able to model a person like that, but I don't need to. There is a lot of material on YouTube. You just need to remove the background (VSDC does a great job). The people in the video are from different levels of the horizon, you need to be careful with the choice. Or make a render based on the horizon level of a particular character. Often, the viewer in these videos seems to be sitting on a chair and looking a little from below.

still images from the video

I chose a video with a girl in a blue dress, where the eyes are almost at the same level all the time (the eyes rise slightly closer to the viewer) This means that the height of the viewer almost coincides with the height of the mannequin, and the height of the mannequin is slightly larger than the viewer. I have a camera in the render of 150 cm, i.e. the height of the viewer is 165 cm. In other videos, the mannequin's eyes vary greatly in height, i.e. the viewer is clearly looking from below. For a true picture, you need to take this factor into account. The eye level of the people on the chair is 110-115 cm. For accuracy, you can test yourself with templates-boxes of bright color in the place of a person on a chair. 110+15 cm =125 cm at the top of the head. It will be true. The people at the table are just photos on a transparent background.

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[Aug 7, 2024, 9:32:16 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The method of creating an animated interior. Presentation

Note that in the video layer there are rocks on the rock with the right shadows, the sun on the right side. To do this, I had to flip the video in a mirror, this is important for a realistic picture. The sea horizon line in the video is exactly aligned with the horizon line in SH3D, this is also very important.

El Dorado love struck
[Aug 22, 2024, 12:22:19 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The method of creating an animated interior. Presentation

I was waiting for it and you didn't disappoint me at the end laughing
Amazing work, again!
950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
[Aug 22, 2024, 8:10:31 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The method of creating an animated interior. Presentation

biggrin Thanks Keet! blushing
[Aug 22, 2024, 8:24:56 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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