Joined: Jul 31, 2024
Post Count: 2
Furniture Library Editor, Door dont snap?
I started using SH3D recently.
I have a problem with the Furniture Library Editor. I create a door/window type object. export to SH3D The door created does not snap in the middle of the wall, instead it snaps to the face of the wall as if it were a piece of furniture.
Note 1: I discovered that by activating the optional property in the library editor called "Door_or_Window_Wall_Distance" I can control the distance and adjust the door to the wall, but I don't know what the math is behind it and it seems that each object with a different depth needs its own adjustment. , which would be very tiring.
Note2: If I move the door with the arrow keys, it cuts through the wall without any problems.
Note 2: If I import the .obj of the door directly without the furniture library it snaps normally.
Is there any configuration I should do in the 3D model itself? or in the library editor? I spent yesterday trying dozens of combinations and tests to come to the conclusion that I have no idea what I'm doing haha.
I'm using library editor 2.1 sweethome 7.4
Model in Blender:
FLE Settings:
Using in SH3D:
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last edit by Puybaret at Jul 31, 2024, 9:12:13 AM]
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9420
Re: Furniture Library Editor, Door dont snap?
The explanations about the door properties are here.
I just made some tests with the ability to edit only doorOrWindowWallDistance property and the saved library isn't correct. I'm going to check what's going on...
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9420
Re: Furniture Library Editor, Door dont snap?
I found the issue and fixed it for the next version. The problem is rather on the default value of doorOrWindowWallThickness property which is wrong. In the current version of the Furniture Library Editor, you should make this property editable then give it a value very close to the window depth.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1248
Re: Furniture Library Editor, Door dont snap?
I have run into this same problem before. Check if your wall thickness isn't set to 0 or -1 by the Furniture Library when saving. Took me some time to find that but in my case it happened when I updated an existing model in the library without having the wall thickness set.
I always create doors&windows for a specific wall thickness, multiple versions for multiple wall thicknesses. This avoids the problem that a door or window deforms when inserted into a wall with a thickness it wasn't created for. Also always export your doors&windows placed horizontal in the 2D view (or design it oriented horizontally in Blender.) A vertically designed object will snap sideways into the wall.
Calculate the wall distance: Your door has a depth of 17cm with borders of 1cm thick on both sides that should stick outside the wall. Obviously this is intended for a wall 15cm thick.
doorOrWindowWallThickness = 15 doorOrWindowWallDistance = 1 (one side with a border of 1cm makes the distance 1)
It's easy to create multiple versions for multiple wall thicknesses: use the same door but add different depths of posts (as thick as the intended wall). Create the borders as separate objects so you can stick the same object to the posts for each wall thickness. The only difference for each door is the depth of the posts.
ETA: I now see that Emmanuel detected and fixed the problem. I wasn't imagening ghosts when I ran into the same problem but couldn't exactly pinpoint when and how it happened :)
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last edit by Keet at Jul 31, 2024, 3:37:46 PM]