Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1281
Funny thing happening with deformations
I have a model with 14 opening windows. Since all windows are the same I only create one window with sweethome3d_hinge_1_ and all opening parts with sweethome3d_opening_on_hinge_1_. Nothing special, that's how it works. For the other windows I have programmed a little utility to copy the model with hinges in increasing numbers. So I start with a Window01.obj and run it through my little program that creates .obj and .mtl files for Window02 to window14. Again nothing special, each window needs it's own hinge number. The intention is of course to combine all windows into a single object where the different hinge numbers allow them to be opened individually.
When I import Window01 (with _hinge_1_) I can open that single window, both in the 3Dview and through the dialog "Modify openings". Because it has _hinge_1_.
Import Window02 and you can't do that. There's also no button for modify openings. Nothing unexpected, that's how it works.
It gets funny when you get to Window10. Surprise, surprise! A button "Modify openings" that works and you can open the window in the 3Dview (a feature of the pan3Dview plugin). Window01 works individually as expected but windows with hinges 10 or higher also work individually! Fortunately when I combine all 14 windows that still works too
I just had to know, so I generated 22 windows. As I suspected it stops working with Window20. I'm not sure you can call it a bug but the software clearly checks for "_hinge_?" where it should check "_hinge_?_". Notice the last underscore. As individual objects those with hinge numbers starting with 1 all work individually. As long as it's a single object with a single hinge I wished that all hinges could be opened disregarding the hinge number. As long as you don't combine multiple hinges into a single object there's no need for consecutive numbers. It makes testing the deformation of model parts in the 3Dview very easy!
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