Joined: May 18, 2021
Post Count: 248
Sweet Home 3D has been acquired!
Just for those that may not have spotted it on the main blog, or bothered reading the 7.5 release notes, SH3D has been sold to an Italian company, "Space Mushrooms". I don't think it has been mentioned anywhere else in the forums so some of you may not have seen it.
First I want to thank Emmanuel for making this application available to us all these years. I've maintained a project for a while, and it is a relentless grind, usually with a lot less gratitude than criticism. Well done on keeping at it for so long. Good luck with whatever you choose to do instead.
It will be interesting to see what comes next. I just hope it does not follow in the footsteps of Trimble, ala Sketchup, although we at least have the safety net of GPL. I'm wishing Space Mushrooms well, and I hope they are good custodians.
Joined: Sep 26, 2009
Post Count: 3991
Re: Sweet Home 3D has been acquired!
Although I knew SH3D had been sold for some time, this is the first mention in the Forum I come across.
As I told Emmanuel, thank you, thank you very much, for many years of dedicated effort to make SH3D such a great program. Having used the program for around 15 years, I'm probably one of the oldies. My backups start at Version 2.1 😃😃
Although I'm not as active in the Forum as I have been, I think a well managed Forum, and an active community, explain in part the success of SH3D. Again a big thanks to Emmanuel for his contribution to the Forum and the many, many times he has rescued corrupted files for desperate users.
I hope our new Italian friends will give the program new energy, and consider this Forum as one of its great assets.
Benvenuti Funghi Spaziali 😀😀
new website - under constuction
[Edit 1 times,
last edit by hansmex at Aug 24, 2024, 7:40:21 PM]
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Sweet Home 3D has been acquired!
Thank you for your encouraging messages. Programming Sweet Home 3D and experiencing how the community used it, gave their feedback and helped others, was a really nice adventure I never thought that this little study case would become my work and occupy my thoughts during so many years. Space Mushrooms has now the keys to lead Sweet Home 3D to new horizons and I’m really happy that you welcome them gently. Long live Sweet Home 3D and its community!
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1226
Re: Sweet Home 3D has been acquired!
Like Hans I have been using Sweet Home 3D for over 15 years now. I have seen it grow from a simple interior design program to the sophisticated design software it is today. I hope Space Mushrooms continues the support and dedication that Emmanuel has shown for over 19 years. I have full confidence that he has choosen very carefully where he leaves his 'baby'.
Emmanuel, I already thanked you in a private message but here I want to thank you in public for the huge effort you have put into Sweet Home 3D and the incredible community you build around it. A supportive community can make or break software and you managed to create the best. Thank you!
Space Mushrooms, I wish you all the good luck in continuing the great software Emmanuel is trusting to you, you'll need it! I'm sure you will have a tough job getting to the same level as Emmanuel but I have fate that you will try your best. The community around Sweet Home 3D is extremely supportive, everyone with their own specialties. That should make it a little easier to get up to speed with Sweet Home 3D.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
Joined: May 18, 2010
Post Count: 4
Re: Sweet Home 3D has been acquired!
Hello Mr. Puybaret!
Just wanted to thank you for this wonderful program, and the many years of joy I've gotten out of it. SweetHome3D got me interested in programming, and while I didn't meet my goal (yet), this program has been an integral part of my education, and a fantastic outlet for my creativity.