Joined: Nov 16, 2023
Post Count: 8
Converter for fbx,USDZ, glTF, GLB and others sketchfab has tons of free 3d files but do not always have DEA or OBJ formats
wouldn't it be nice to download these files and have the zip files seamlessly integrated into sweet home. When converting online the textures don't integrate properly most of times
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1229
Re: Converter for fbx,USDZ, glTF, GLB and others
FBX is easy to convert with Blender, just import and export as OBJ. For almost any other conversion there are online converters. Not all work the same so for each conversion you will have to find the one that works best. That textures don't always integrate is usualy a problem with the model and not necessarily of the converter. One of the most common problems is that some faces have flipped normals (the texture points to the wrong side of the face). Easy to fix with Blender but it might take some work if there are a lot of them. You can also use Blender to fix other texture problems. Just make sure each part has its own materialname and after import in Sweet Home 3D you can set the textures (if they all came with the download). Generally, what you can convert with Blender or other Graphics program works better than online converters but you have to take what is available.
Where you can download FBX or 3DS besides OBJ/MTL I alway advise to also download these formats. Often the quality of the model is better when converting the FBX through Blender, or the 3DS import is better than the OBJ/MTL import.
glTF/GLB formats often contain a complete scene with multiple models integrated. Not very usefull to convert since the result is not separate models but a single, large model. You would have to split them with a program like Blender.
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