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Re: Help creating new object & light source from scratch

Apologies. I jumped into this program kind of quickly and have been trying to juggle a lot of different threads, articles, and web pages since. I forgot about you mentioning that article. I'll go bookmark that now and start on it. Thank you again for answering my last questions. I do appreciate it.
No need for apologies. You are trying to do some things that can be done in Sweet Home 3D but are not really for beginners. The manuals on Dodecagon are pdf files you can download, sometimes with an additional zip that contains an example project.
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[Nov 11, 2024, 10:23:54 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Help creating new object & light source from scratch

Just wanted to update: I went back and have read a number of the instructional files on Dodecagon. I do understand a little better now. I followed your instructions and I feel like my file is ready for Java. I have build 1.8.0_431-b10, but unfortunately the Furniture Library Editor still won't open for me. I found this article and am considering if this might be the problem, but I'm not terribly tech savvy and am hesitant to start messing about with my computer on this level. I know you said you weren't that familiar with Windows. I'm going to do some more reading and see if I can figure this out.
[Nov 14, 2024, 10:28:55 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Help creating new object & light source from scratch

Read this thread concerning the same problem:,1550_offset,240#63913
That is a similar problem on Linux but it shows the path parameters in a start-up script. On windows you will probably need something like a bat/command file instead of the sh script file. Take note of the parameter Emmanuel proposed, that seems to work for some users. You will have to try and see if it works on Windows.
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[Nov 15, 2024, 10:30:32 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Help creating new object & light source from scratch

Thanks, I'll get started.
[Nov 15, 2024, 9:41:27 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Help creating new object & light source from scratch

Ok, so I did finally manage to get the Furniture Library Editor to open, and went back to your list of instructions, but this did lead me to another question.

The brace (The object the light will be mounted in) is 6" wide. I wanted to make the light panel so that it illuminated both sides of the opening in the frame. I wasn't sure if this would work automatically like most bulbs in a normal socket, or if I had to change something to make it directional? Also, I wanted the light itself to sit flush with the brace on both sides, which would imply that I just make it 6" wide also. Would this be the proper approach?

I went ahead and experimented before writing this and I thought that the ceiling and floor checkboxes may have something to do with this since it seemed relevant when I was building the light shape to start. I made two different light shapes, one ceiling and one floor. I followed all the other instructions.

When I had both lights set in place in the brace, exported them as an object, them imported them as furniture, then finally imported them into the Furniture Library Editor, I couldn't drag and drop the brace. I had to import it with the button in the menu, but then it did appear. The "lightSourceMaterialName" was in the menu under preferences, but when I tried to check the 'displayed' box, it wouldn't let me.

I saved the item as a library and imported it into Sweet Home 3D, and it said it worked, but when the brace appeared in my file, it scaled way too large and out of the alignment I thought I'd set for it in the other files. I know I had scaled it much smaller (The same size as the old brace I was using), so I'm not sure what's going on there? It was very difficult to manipulate into size and position and I eventually called it off because these other issues where starting to pile up, as no light setting control appeared on the newly imported library/ file.

I was as careful with all of this as I could be so I'm not sure where I went wrong?

When you said, "You can use a different name for 'light', just make sure you replace the same name in both the obj and mtl file and set that name for the lightSourceMaterialName in the Library Editor." I understood this with the obj. and mtl. files, but did you mean that I should change 'lightSourceMaterialName' to the name of each light, or one light if that's all I need? That seemed to be the name of the option so I didn't change that yet, but I didn't think this was the reason for the other problems I'm having. I didn't even get to taking a higher res pic of it in place yet.
[Dec 1, 2024, 4:21:55 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Help creating new object & light source from scratch

I wasn't sure if this would work automatically like most bulbs in a normal socket, or if I had to change something to make it directional?
Light will be emitted in the direction the face points to. In other words a face (side) will emit light to the side where you see a color or texture. Use the material name of each side to turn it into a light using the Library Editor lightSourceMaterialName property. A larger area will emit more light simply because there is a larger area to emit the light. Directing light is more difficult because you will have to create a housing that contains the light so it doesn't go where you don't want it, for example by putting an open cylinder around it. I don't think you need it with your panel.
If you use a room to create your panel it already has all around outward pointing faces (top,bottom,sides), all with the single material name room_1_1. Just export (only) the room and import it again. Tilt it 90° and give it a color. You will see that all sides get the same color and that are the faces that will emit light if you set it in the Library Editor. Just make sure that your level elevation is >0 otherwise you end up with a floor that has a height 0 and only the top will be a face that can be colored/texured, i.e. can be set as light.
On the other hand, that might be exactly what you want: just a single side that emits light. You can mirror a copy of the object for the other side of the gap in the brace. That's what I would do because it has the advantage that it renders faster and you can control the color and power setting for each side independently.

I couldn't drag and drop the brace. I had to import it with the button in the menu,
I have the same happening sometimes, I don't know why. Sometimes it helps to just save the library before adding more objects. That is the only reason I sometimes have to use the import button, otherwise I only use drag&drop. Try to drop in the empty area below or beside the columns.

I saved the item as a library and imported it into Sweet Home 3D, and it said it worked, but when the brace appeared in my file, it scaled way too large and out of the alignment I thought I'd set for it in the other files. I know I had scaled it much smaller (The same size as the old brace I was using), so I'm not sure what's going on there?
Maybe you mixed up mm and cm? I often create objects 10 or 100 times as big as they should be because the details are too small to edit in Sweet Home 3D. When you import it in the Library editor you can use the x10 or ÷10 to resize the object for usage in Sweet Home 3D without having to resize the actual object itself. You can see the values in the modify dialog when you click one of the buttons. You can also set a default elevation.

When you said, "You can use a different name for 'light'...
In the Library Editor you set the lightSourceMaterialName to the material name as it is in the obj/mtl files. Most existing light models use 'light' for the material name so you enter light as the value for the lightSourceMaterialName.
But sometimes you want multiple parts of the same object to act as a light, parts that have a different material name. You can multiple material names as the value for lightSourceMaterialName. Add multiple material names separated with a space. Be aware that multiple material names from the the same object will use a single power setting to control them all.
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[Dec 1, 2024, 9:58:16 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Help creating new object & light source from scratch

I have the same happening sometimes, I don't know why. Sometimes it helps to just save the library before adding more objects. That is the only reason I sometimes have to use the import button, otherwise I only use drag&drop. Try to drop in the empty area below or beside the columns.

Ok. That one wasn’t a biggie. I just mentioned it just in case it might have been someplace where I was doing something wrong and wanted to catch it.

Maybe you mixed up mm and cm? I often create objects 10 or 100 times as big as they should be because the details are too small to edit in Sweet Home 3D. When you import it in the Library editor you can use the x10 or ÷10 to resize the object for usage in Sweet Home 3D without having to resize the actual object itself. You can see the values in the modify dialog when you click one of the buttons. You can also set a default elevation.

Turns out I did in fact forget to change the measurements to what I’ve been working in. Ah! I was wondering what those numbers meant on the controls. I also usually work bigger, but I have a hard time sometimes with the axis and angles trying to get an object into correct alignment.

In the Library Editor you set the lightSourceMaterialName to the material name as it is in the obj/mtl files. Most existing light models use 'light' for the material name so you enter light as the value for the lightSourceMaterialName.
But sometimes you want multiple parts of the same object to act as a light, parts that have a different material name. You can multiple material names as the value for lightSourceMaterialName. Add multiple material names separated with a space. Be aware that multiple material names from the the same object will use a single power setting to control them all.

I have been using my file name and font case the same in the obj. and mtl files and now also in the light source value area. Originally I thought I had to delete ‘lightSourceMaterialName’ and put the name of my light in its place, but I now understand it was the value location where that belongs. I’m not sure I understand about the multiple parts of the same object above? Are you addressing my question about wanting light panels on both sides of the brace? What do you mean by ‘material names’? The brace currently was imported as one piece (the brace with the light panel on the inside right). I would be perfectly fine if both lights on the brace had to be controlled together with one control.

So, I did finally manage to find where the Furniture Library Editor was burying the brace in the upper left menu, after sifting through every category, so at least I got that.

I managed to get the brace correctly scaled and in place. There's even a light % control visible, which I set to 5% after an earlier recommendation, but I'm having other issues at this point, though I am very grateful it's getting closer to what I've been after. I've included some pics for you to reference.

So far, I've just replaced one of the old braces with this new lit one (gold colored). This is at the far right of the image 'Brace error 1'. I colored it, scaled it, got it in place and even got the light panel showing on the right hand side of the brace (See ‘Brace error 4’), and that's all great, but what I was going for was to have each panel of light FLUSH with the outer surface of the brace on BOTH sides so that it looks like the reference picture in 'Brace error 3', with light illuminating from each side of the opening in the brace. In 'Brace error 2', you can see the right hand side light panel is shining up against the wall. (I knew it would be lit against the wall and that's fine. It's part of the design.)

I did check the Mirrored Shape box to have the same thing happen on the left side, but that just seemed to flip the brace around the wrong way.

Also, that brace light against the wall was set for 5%. I'm happy with it being cool white light, but it looks really intense for 5%.

So, I'd like to...
1. Get the light PANELS to appear on both sides of the brace so it doesn't look like just an empty space from the left side.

2. Have them both light up.

3. Get the light to shine at a much lower intensity, again, like the reference pic from the show.

Other Questions:
1. Is there a way to change the type of light that’s emitting? I saw in the Light library that there’s a ‘Fireglow light source’ and it might be nice to try that.
2. Do you have a coffee account or something I can kick you a couple bucks for all the help you're providing me with? I think I would have given up by now, trying to work through this on my own.
[Dec 2, 2024, 2:36:59 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Help creating new object & light source from scratch

So, I did finally manage to find where the Furniture Library Editor was burying the brace in the upper left menu, after sifting through every category, so at least I got that.
Where your object is in the catalog depends on the preference you have set in the Preferences dialog. Set it to "Searchable List".
In the catalog pane (top left) select the category you have set as the category in the Furniture Library Editor. In the Library Editor also set a few key words that identify your objects. They can be used for searching.
In the catalog search box you can type a (partial) name you have set for your object or (partial) tag names. This search is smart and fast! Even without selecting a category you can find objects very fast by typing multiple (partial) names with a space between them. It filters the list on your search criteria.

So, I'd like to...
1. Get the light PANELS to appear on both sides of the brace so it doesn't look like just an empty space from the left side.
2. Have them both light up.
3. Get the light to shine at a much lower intensity, again, like the reference pic from the show.
Either use a floor with the thickness of the brace which will create a light panel where both sides are flush with the brace or use two panels, one for each side.

1. Is there a way to change the type of light that’s emitting? I saw in the Light library that there’s a ‘Fireglow light source’ and it might be nice to try that.
With the panels you have you can set a different color to the panel which changes the light. Another trick is to create semi-transparent panels (non-light) with one of the light sources from the catalog between the panels but I don't think that is the right solution for your panels, you won't get a nice even spread light on the panel.

2. Do you have a coffee account or something I can kick you a couple bucks for all the help you're providing me with? I think I would have given up by now, trying to work through this on my own.
Thank you but there is no need for that, it's all freely offered, just like everything on my site is completely free and open source.
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[Dec 2, 2024, 11:33:11 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Help creating new object & light source from scratch

Where your object is in the catalog depends on the preference you have set in the Preferences dialog. Set it to "Searchable List".
In the catalog pane (top left) select the category you have set as the category in the Furniture Library Editor. In the Library Editor also set a few key words that identify your objects. They can be used for searching.
In the catalog search box you can type a (partial) name you have set for your object or (partial) tag names. This search is smart and fast! Even without selecting a category you can find objects very fast by typing multiple (partial) names with a space between them. It filters the list on your search criteria.

Wow, ok, this is much better! Thanks! I'll check out the tags thing in the Furniture Library Editor shortly. I haven't used those at all yet.

Either use a floor with the thickness of the brace which will create a light panel where both sides are flush with the brace or use two panels, one for each side.

I'm in my file right now but I can't see any way to alter the thickness of a floor. It only has an area to change thickness for the optional baseboard, which I didn't want or need on the light. Under Preferences I see an option to change the new level floor thickness, but but that doesn't seem to be what I want. I'm trying to modify the floor in the initial stage where I first created it. I also tried modifying it after I exported, and then imported it back into the program, but at that point, it's part of the whole object and the brace was already set for 6" thickness. What am I doing wrong here?

With the panels you have you can set a different color to the panel which changes the light. Another trick is to create semi-transparent panels (non-light) with one of the light sources from the catalog between the panels but I don't think that is the right solution for your panels, you won't get a nice even spread light on the panel.

Wait, so if I made the color of those panels bright red, I'd get a red light? It makes the color and surface of the panel automatically translucent? When I've been working with the light panels, when I rotate them a certain way, when I get to the opposite side of them, they often disappear or turn invisible, so I assumed that whatever 'color' I assigned them was just replaced by whatever the program uses to represent illumination? Like the working colored surface of the panel was just sort of a placeholder. But you're saying it's automatically translucent and I can change the color of the light by changing the color of the panel? When I'm creating light panels or objects like this, I have no need of bulbs or setting up the lighting when I'm done? I mean it already seems to be the case but I'd like to verify.

Thank you but there is no need for that, it's all freely offered, just like everything on my site is completely free and open source.

Well thank you. I get really frustrated sometimes trying to work all this out.
[Dec 2, 2024, 4:43:14 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Help creating new object & light source from scratch

I'm in my file right now but I can't see any way to alter the thickness of a floor. It only has an area to change thickness for the optional baseboard, which I didn't want or need on the light. Under Preferences I see an option to change the new level floor thickness, but but that doesn't seem to be what I want. I'm trying to modify the floor in the initial stage where I first created it. I also tried modifying it after I exported, and then imported it back into the program, but at that point, it's part of the whole object and the brace was already set for 6" thickness. What am I doing wrong here?
You set the floor thickness on the level. Double click the level tab and you can set the floor thickness. If you don't see a level tab or can't set the floor thickness just add a level and set its elevation to a negative value. Now you can double click the level where your floor is and set the floor thickness. Export/import only your floor object. Now it has a thickness you can adjust to your 6".

Wait, so if I made the color of those panels bright red, I'd get a red light? It makes the color and surface of the panel automatically translucent? When I've been working with the light panels, when I rotate them a certain way, when I get to the opposite side of them, they often disappear or turn invisible, so I assumed that whatever 'color' I assigned them was just replaced by whatever the program uses to represent illumination?
Yes, you would get a red light. But it doesn't change transparency so it doesn't become translucent. Your panel was created with a room with floor thickness 0 which means it only has one face (side): the top. If you rotate it the other side is simply 'nothing'.
When you export the floor with a thickness (set the level floor thickness before export) it will have 6 sides after import. All with the material name room_1_1. This means that you automatically have a light panel for both sides after you placed it in the brace.
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[Dec 2, 2024, 5:21:40 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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