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Joined: Apr 24, 2014
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Re: SweetHome3D crash on start with Ubuntu 24.10 : library initialization failed - unable to allocate file descriptor table - out of memoryAbandon (core dumped)
New Year, new computer and a fresh debian install. 1. With first system installation (stable) I don't have Wi-Fi connection. So, I've switch to sid (Still In Development) and the Wi-Fi connection is UP. 2. Try to run SH3D: - with double-click => nothing - run in terminal =>
library initialization failed - unable to allocate file descriptor table - out of memory 2.1 I've added to ~.bashrc file ulimit -n 10000 with not remarkable effects.
2.2 I've added to every sh scripts SweetHome3D #!/bin/sh ulimit -n 10000 and solve the problem for SH3D to be launched in both situation.
3. Trying to launch from Eclipse as debug and I've receive again the error, this time in Eclipse console.
Solution (for me): -run as root:echo > /etc/security/limits.d/systemd.conf "* hard nofile 65536" -then RESTART! It seems to work for me.
PS: I suspect it's related to java 8.
A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law When all else fails, read the instructions. Murphy's Law If you don't like "AS IS", DIY. Dorin's law
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[Jan 2, 2025, 5:26:47 PM]