Joined: Jun 15, 2023
Post Count: 12
Texture perspective issues
Hi everyone,
Question on an odd texture issue I've been having. I have a pretty basic image file I've edited with Affinity Photo 2 that I want to use as a texture on a model I've imported into SH3D. However, when I import it the perspective gets kinda wonky, specifically it gets squished vertically and the texture on the model doesn't end up matching what the actual image looks like.
Here's what the image is supposed to look like
Here's how it looks once I add the texture to a model. You can see vertically its squished down for some reason. (I've also scaled it up too FYI) When I import the texture it looks normal on the preview thumbnail, but only when actually displayed on the model it changes.
I've tried reloading the model, and have measured the specific area that the texture is supposed to apply to so my image should match exactly.
Any thoughts as to why the texture perspective is getting changed?
Joined: Sep 26, 2009
Post Count: 3991
Re: Texture perspective issues
It's s matter if scaling correctly.
If your image is 1000x1500 pixels, the scale is 2:3. Use a box with the same scale (e.g. 1.00x1,50 meters), and your image fits perfectly.
Joined: Aug 13, 2022
Post Count: 479
Re: Texture perspective issues
maybe you should do the opposite. First, study the proportions of the sides of the screen on the wall. For example, this is 150cm x 92cm. Then your texture (JPG image) needs to be cropped in width to get these proportions, as for the screen. 1500x920 pixels. 750x460 pixels and so on. Then there will be no distortion on the screen in the right shape.
Joined: Jan 14, 2025
Post Count: 25
Re: Texture perspective issues
The proportions of the model are not the same as the texture used. The texture is compressed along the y-axis, which is why the verticals are distorted. The verticals on the texture itself are not at 90 degrees, and the more the texture is compressed, the more it becomes apparent. The proportions of the model need to be adjusted to the proportions of the texture.