Joined: May 12, 2013
Post Count: 1545
Re: Furniture Library Editor Beta released
The fields for SVG cutout shapes are very small. 20 characters is not very much for the customised cutouts... :-)
No problems with the Beta so far (except the lightsource properties vanished once, but have not been able to recreate so I probably entered a wrong comma or something in the .properties file).
PS: If you have link to the 'special version with ID' it would be great.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Furniture Library Editor Beta released
You can type more than 20 characters even if the text field shows only 20 characters, but I'll try to change the layout of the dialog to show a larger text field in a coming version.
If you have link to the 'special version with ID' it would be great.
I sent you a link to that special version. I'll try to add a preference in a future version to change the list of editable columns.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: May 12, 2013
Post Count: 1545
Re: Furniture Library Editor Beta released
Thank you, downloaded, much appreciated and enjoyed. Of course, I know I can type more than 20 characters, but my head is spinning (in elliptical arcs, they can be a pain). And seeing the entire path would make it (slightly) easier. But as I doubt adding SVG paths will be a common user pastime, I don't really think it needs to be on your priority list. Will look at more SVG this evening. Thanks for all your prompt responses to silly questions. (And thanks to hansmex for his input. Noted, will do. And .odt is just fine, not need to use .doc/docx ...:-) - will test .odt support for SVG illustrations ...)
PS noticed a very slight Arc offset when specifying SVG (but I suspect the inaccuracy may stem from the .obj file, will check) - if it remains a problem, I will report it.
Joined: May 12, 2013
Post Count: 1545
Re: Furniture Library Editor Beta released
PS noticed a very slight Arc offset when specifying SVG (but I suspect the inaccuracy may stem from the .obj file, will check) - if it remains a problem, I will report it.
Never mind. False alarm. Not the .obj file, it was a 1 in the rotation parameter (instead of large-arc-flag) that caused the confusion. Stupid, and I wasted 1/2 looking in the wrong place... :-(
Actually, SH3d deals beautifully with every SVG path I've been able to think of.
ok - overjoyed with the SVG path function in FurnitureLibraryEditor.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Furniture Library Editor released
Please, use English in this forum (even if issued from automatic translation).
Furniture Library Editor already works under Mac OS X 10.9, but you may have to download and install Java to make it run, for example using the update available at
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: May 12, 2013
Post Count: 1545
Re: Furniture Library Editor Beta released
No problems with the Beta so far (except the lightsource properties vanished once, but have not been able to recreate ...
This happened again - light source properties had disappeared from the file. Using Furniture Library Editor Version 1.12 ID, Java version 1.7.0_51.
In the sh3f file posted the modern street light no longer has light source properties, whereas the file I sent you by e-mail (created from the previous version of the .sh3f file) has light-source properties.
But exactly what I did, I cannot remember, sorry (I may have edited the model properties: height).
Joined: May 12, 2013
Post Count: 1545
Re: Furniture Library Editor Beta released
This happened again - light source properties had disappeared from the file.
Pesky LightSourceProperties, another small bug reported in bugs/441: Leading zeros in colour hex triplet disappear... Probably has no practical implications (think file is read correctly), except confusing amateurs like your truly...