Joined: Sep 26, 2009
Post Count: 3991
How to share images and files
Hello all,
If you want to show off your beautiful design, or if you want to share a file, here is some help on posting.
- Give a meaningful description where it says Post Topic* - In the window underneath you can write your message. - If you want to share a picture, click the button Image and paste a link to the picture you want to show in the pop-up window. Use the button Preview to check if the picture appears in your post. Example: - If you want to share a file, click the button http:// and paste a link to the file in the pop-up window. The link to your file will appear in your post, underlined and in light blue. The file itself is not included in the post, so choose a service that does not delete your file after a week. If you share a SH3D file, be sure to use only models that can be redistributed (models available on can be redistributed but not the ones coming from Trimble Warehouse).
- An excellent place to store all pictures and files that you want to share is . It's free, offers 5 Gb of storage and has a good and easy user interface. If you want an image hosted at media to appear in the forum, you should follow these steps: 1 - Open the image hosted at media 2 - Right-click on the image and select Share 3 - Click on More sharing options… option 4 - Copy the link from the Direct Link field 5 - Use that URL to insert the image in your post, pasting the URL between [ img ] and [ /img ] tags 6 - Preview your message to ensure it renders as you wish.
- If you want to change the appearance of part of the text, you simply highlight it. Then you can use one of the buttons on the top row, to change its appearance. B = bold, I = italics, U = underline, S = strikethrough, Size = bigger* or smaller font, Font = Times font*, Color = differentcolour . - You can nest these attributes: first you can make text bold, then select the text between the [start] and [/stop] brackets, to make it bold and underlined.
* [ size=5 ] = change by hand from [ size=3 ] to [ size=5 ] * not all fonts work
If your text should really stand out, you may use the options Code or Quote . They give similar results, as shown below.
Code - highlight the text that you want to stand out, then click the Code button
Quote - highlight the text that you want to stand out, then click the Quote button
If you want to insert a list, click List and follow the instructions that appear.
and also
new website - under constuction
[Edit 4 times,
last edit by Puybaret at Aug 20, 2014, 5:58:56 PM]
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: How to share images and files
Thank you Hans for this sum up. I guess it's also available in mvnforum help, but sometimes it's not accessible. Fortunately for us, this problem doesn't mean that mvnforum is unstable!
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Apr 24, 2014
Post Count: 625
Re: How to share images and files
Un minor update for share image trow 1. Create an account on this site. 2. Upload there an picture. 3. Click on file. On right up corner click on Share. 4. On popup, on left bottom corner, click on More sharing options... 5. Chose the second option Direct Link to copy on clipboard. 6. Go to forum page, click on Image button and paste the link. It must look like this
---------------------------------------- A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law When all else fails, read the instructions. Murphy's Law If you don't like "AS IS", DIY. Dorin's law
Joined: Aug 12, 2015
Post Count: 5
Re: How to share images and files
If I am not using mediafire is there a way to get the link or so I have to store my pictures online?
/\__/\ (=^.^=) (")(")_/
Joined: Oct 6, 2015
Post Count: 199
Re: How to share images and files
Do you mean send a link to a post in the forum. If so, look for the [Link] link on the bottom right of each post. Click on that, then copy the link from the address bar. That will give you a link to that specific post.
---------------------------------------- Hawk