Joined: Nov 14, 2010
Post Count: 233
Splitting sloping walls?
When i split a wall, this is happened always(?) in the middle of it. this is fine, because i can move the splitpoint - unless i want to split a sloping wall. in this case my newly separated walls keep their start/end height from the splitpoint. which is useless in most cases, even if i move the splitpoint to the needed coords i will still have to hassle with angles not corresponding et cetera (i got a workaround but it sucks). so, is there a kb shortcut to determine the point a wall will split?
Joined: Nov 14, 2010
Post Count: 233
Re: Splitting sloping walls?
hansmex, >The shortcut involves the keyboard of a calculator not always: i put a new wall (90 degrees off) to the wanted splitpoint, make this "helpwall" big as needed and store the wanted height for this splitpoint that way. it's not funny but it works.
too bad anyway, i was hoping to get an aswer like "hold down ALT+SHIFT then click mouse button into wall" :-)
It's not an architectural program, i know... Not YET ;-) macfrog
Joined: Sep 26, 2009
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Re: Splitting sloping walls?
That's an ingenious but simple workaround.
I spent the last (half) hour reading on all kinds of geometry websites, trying to figure out if I could make a simple spreadsheet model that would allow inputting basic data, and resulted in giving the correct measures for the split wall.
Unfortunately this is far beyond my mathematical insight. Maybe, after all, I should have paid more attention during high school...
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9421
Re: Splitting sloping walls?
Applying Intercept theorem (théorème de Thalès en français) between the walls length on the floor and their height should help you.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9421
Re: Splitting sloping walls?
Thank you Hans for the drawing. I was sure you were able to understand the first theorem I learnt at school!
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Nov 14, 2010
Post Count: 233
Re: Splitting sloping walls?
i just want to let you see the reason for this thread:
keep in mind: for changing a wall's texture of a given room, i have to split walls on room limits. so, moving a wall forces me to split the aligning wall (again, and again)... so far for the calculating method, hans
screenshot below:
it's the upper level of a house with 10+ sloping walls, almost NEVER splitted in the middle. as you can see, the roof is missing macfrog
Joined: Nov 17, 2010
Post Count: 96
Re: Splitting sloping walls?
I like your model and can think about the hard work you have done to complete it but where is the problem???
is it solved already or are you trying to say that the things the experts said dint work or are you showing us the result after applying the solutions?