Well, I guess this is not very useful for general SH3D users, but for those who want to get a stereoscopic 3D representation of their work, this plugin helps on the calculation of the points of view which correspond to the left and right eyes from the current virtual visitor point of view, assuming that the mentioned point of view is above the virtual visitors nose, right between both eyes.
It allows to specify the distance between the eyes from 5 to 10cm (that seems a big head, right? ) and a name for the stereoscopic point of view. As explained on the plugin window, two points of view will be created with the given name, adding a trailing "[Stereo-L]" text for the left eye and "[Stereo-R]" text for the right eye.
After the creation you can just close the plugin's window or go to the "create photos from points of view" tool. There you must select the pair (or pairs) of points of view for what you want to create the photos.
After that you can use your preferred software to view the pair of pictures as a 3D picture or to create some 3D format, such as MPO. Both things can be made with StereoPhoto Maker. Of course you'll need some way to see the 3D effect, like some 3D device with or without glasses or a standard screen with coloured glasses.
Currently the plugin is localized on English (default), Spanish and French. If somebody find a translation error please let me know.
---------------------------------------- If a long walk every day were healthy, mailmen would be immortal.
Joined: May 9, 2012
Post Count: 154
Re: Stereoscopic 3D points of view creation plugin
Oops, I forgot to say that the option is inside the "3D view" menu.
---------------------------------------- If a long walk every day were healthy, mailmen would be immortal.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9421
Re: Stereoscopic 3D points of view creation plugin
Thanks for this nice plug-in. I tried it at the Kitchen point of view of SweetHome3DExample7.sh3d file then generated an anaglyph imagewith StereoPhoto Maker, and it worked very well.
Larger image
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9421
Re: Stereoscopic 3D points of view creation plugin
OK, I need to buy some hardware... :-)
No, you just need basic cyan/red glasses. It works even with cheap ones. ...Unless you want to see big with real 3D classes!
By the way, hal9000 , I've got the chance to have 3D TV, do you know if it's possible to generate some kind of 3D signal from a computer over an HDMI cable?
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: May 9, 2012
Post Count: 154
Re: Stereoscopic 3D points of view creation plugin
I see you moved the thread to the correct forum. Thanks.
By the way, hal9000 , I've got the chance to have 3D TV, do you know if it's possible to generate some kind of 3D signal from a computer over an HDMI cable?
Usually yes, but it depends on the 3D TV. If it supports SBS (Side-By-Side), TAB (Top-And-Bottom) or HDMI frame packing modes, then you can use some players, like Bino 3D Player, to play the video and the TV should be able to separate left and right channels to create the 3D effect.
---------------------------------------- If a long walk every day were healthy, mailmen would be immortal.