Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9421
Sweet Home 3D 4.1 Rev A
For your information, I had to slightly update Sweet Home 3D during the past two days because of some issues with the last release of Java 7u25: - I removed http.agent System property setting in the JNLP file of the Java Web Start version otherwise Sweet Home 3D couldn't run anymore under Windows, - I added a jnlp_embedded parameter to the applet of the Online version to prevent displaying a new security warning that appeared during its execution.
Other files weren't updated.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: May 9, 2012
Post Count: 154
Re: Sweet Home 3D 4.1 Rev A
Thanks for the info.
Anyway, there are no changes for the installer version, right?
---------------------------------------- If a long walk every day were healthy, mailmen would be immortal.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9421
Re: Sweet Home 3D 4.1 Rev A
Anyway, there are no changes for the installer version, right?
No other changes.
By the way, I forgot to mention that the Online version doesn't seem to work well under Mac OS X when run with Java 7u25 and 6u51. Under Java 7u25, mouse moves in the 3D view don't work well, and under Java 6u51, mouse clicks and moves have no effect in the whole applet (I wonder if it's not a remaining bug in the update released last week by Apple).
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
I downloaded the current version and installed it. I have Java 7u25 installed. I am unable to update my video drivers so I installed the java.ini file as specified in the FAQ. The program starts but I get two warning messages and then the program shuts down before I can even turn off 3D rendering. Does the .ini need to be updated for the 4.1 version? It worked fine adding the .ini file to the program files foler on prior versions but not on this update.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9421
Re: Sweet Home 3D 4.1 Rev A
SeaBorn, I'm not sure I understand your issue. First you post a message in a thread that speaks about version 4.1 Rev A that is about Java Web Start and the Online version only. That means that the .ini file doesn't influence its way of working. At the opposite, if you're running the installer version, there was no updates since version 4.1 and the installed version of Java is not used since the installer version comes with its own private (not available for other purpose) version of Java. So please, give more details about what version you run.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Sorry about the mispost. I did not realize this was for the Online version only. The issue that I have is with the installer version, specifically the file called 'SweetHome3D-4.1-windows-oc.exe'. I downloaded this file and installed it. The program starts but I get two warning messages and then the program shuts down before I can even turn off 3D rendering. Even adding the file 'SweetHome3D.l4j' to the Program Files folder will not allow the program to run. I am running Windows Vista Business, Service Pack 2.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9421
Re: Sweet Home 3D 4.1 Rev A
Then you should really try to update the driver of your video card. Or remove all 3D features, by adding the following line in the SweetHome3D.l4j.ini file:
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator