Joined: Apr 24, 2014
Post Count: 627
Re: 2D Symbols
As I've say already in my previews post <<Which one? Give me some point or some graphical picture of what you want. Don't forget to indicate the name for it. I can't promise but I try to help You.>> it remain as truth for every one including You. Usually I like to help (if I can).
---------------------------------------- A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law When all else fails, read the instructions. Murphy's Law If you don't like "AS IS", DIY. Dorin's law
Joined: Sep 8, 2022
Post Count: 2
Re: 2D Symbols
Is this thread still active? I'm asking as I'm trying to import the Belgian electrical symbols available in PNG format at I have used the Windows VB.NET application from XPcRUSHER in this forum to convert some symbols to .sh3f. However I don't see them in Sweet Home after import. Any suggestions how I can get the AREI symbols in Sweet Home?
Joined: Apr 24, 2014
Post Count: 627
Re: 2D Symbols
At this moment I can't help you because I'm far from any computer. At end of next week I will make that library for you.
---------------------------------------- A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law When all else fails, read the instructions. Murphy's Law If you don't like "AS IS", DIY. Dorin's law
Joined: Apr 24, 2014
Post Count: 627
Re: 2D Symbols
Your library are here .
---------------------------------------- A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law When all else fails, read the instructions. Murphy's Law If you don't like "AS IS", DIY. Dorin's law
Joined: Oct 24, 2024
Post Count: 1
Re: 2D Symbols
Ciao scusa la mia ignoranza ma io ho fatto tutti i passaggi da te descritti ma lla fine mi ritrovo una cartella con i png e i 2 file di cui uno modificato, a questo punto tu scrivi ZIP la libreria; cioe? devo compattare tutta la cartella in un formato zip? e poi come la importo in sweet home 3 d? Spero che mi possiate aiutare, grazie
Joined: Apr 24, 2014
Post Count: 627
Re: 2D Symbols
Sorry for the late response. I've seen your question only today. 1. A furniture library or a texture library is basically zip archives. 2. So, you have to change the extension .zip to .sh3f or .sh3t 3. Starting with version 1.5.3 I've made a bash script to simplify this process under linux which is inside the package. 4. While it's not quite that simple I could made it for you like I've already done for others fiends here.
---------------------------------------- A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law When all else fails, read the instructions. Murphy's Law If you don't like "AS IS", DIY. Dorin's law