Joined: Sep 26, 2009
Post Count: 3991
Re: Other rendering quality levels
Because Java 8 causes problems under Ubuntu, I always use Java 6. That is also the version that comes (for the same reason) with the installer version of SH3D.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Other rendering quality levels
Thanks, it works this time Not with Java Web Start version, but you can't do anything against that because it's due to security reasons in that environment.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: May 12, 2013
Post Count: 1545
Re: Other rendering quality levels
Interesting plug-in and like the concept. While most of the menu items are understandable, some are not obvious (causticsPhotons???).
Photo (and video) rendering is always a trade-off between time and quality, and I wonder how the different values influence on performance. Trying and failing takes a bit too long. Maybe a little introduction/description/guide could be useful? Or just a little more explanatory text in the menu?
Joined: May 28, 2015
Post Count: 607
Re: Other rendering quality levels
The plug-in in its current state is made for users who used a SweetHome3D.l4j.ini file, a Linux launch script or Jar command lines to change the photo renderer properties.
In this thread , Emmanuel Puybaret gives some explanation about those properties. And you can find information on caustics here .
Here are the definitions of the quality parameters given in the file: * Minimum and maximum antialiasing used to compute image
* Global illumination algorithm: "default" or "path" - "default" uses ambient occlusion during day hours in virtual visit mode - "path" takes much longer to compute but gives more realistic view at day hours
* Maximum bounces done by light rays when global illumination "path" is used - Increasing this value greatly slows down rendering process
* Caustics photons count, with 0 producing no caustics - If different from 0, should be higher than 1000000 to obtain some visible effect
* Shader used to render shiny materials: "default", "glossy" or "silk" - "default" uses silk shader at high quality level and in virtual view mode, glossy otherwise
* Focus distance in cm when depth of field is used
* Lens radius when depth of field is used - A bigger value produces a narrower depth of field