Joined: Feb 27, 2014
Post Count: 87
Re: Other rendering quality levels (Advanced settings of photo rendering plug-in)
Thanks - i was able to view the PhotoRenderer properties file and that answered the questions well enough. I was able to come up with better renders thanks to the explanations.
I will also take a look at the PDF you pointed to...
New Zealand
Joined: Apr 8, 2020
Post Count: 12
Re: Other rendering quality levels (Advanced settings of photo rendering plug-in)
At the risk of a major "thread necro", I've got to say: what an awesome plugin! Just found it and installed it this evening and had a bit of a play - primarily to get access to the global illumination options - and I'm absolutely rapt! Many thanks enkonyito.
Crazy Kiwi bloke
Debian "buster" 10 64bit Sweet Home 3D 6.3 64bit i5 Quad-core 3.1GHz 8GB 1333MHz DDR3 RAM
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Advanced settings of photo rendering plug-in
I don’t see a good reason to keep YafaRayRendering plug-in installed if you run Sweet Home 3D v7. It offers less features than YafaRay renderer version in Sweet Home 3D.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
I have already used these settings, but that's the problem, that even the value "normalLens.radius = 1" already gives such a blur as if there is a lens with a 1.8 "hole" on the camera - the DOF is very small. At the value of radius = 3, the grip is generally several centimeters, almost everything is out of focus. About the other values, more than 3 - I don't understand at all - why are they? I would like to suggest making several radius values up to one, instead of those useless ones. This would greatly improve the capabilities and quality of the renderers.