Joined: Aug 16, 2019
Post Count: 1
Re: Export to HTML5 plug-in
Hi, everybody! 1. I'm trying to use SweetHome3DJSViewer with default all and find error. So i truing to use suggestion about chrome reading from file and it is still error 0 while requesting default.sh3d 2. Also i trying to use honomobo.html with presented recommendation and the result is same error. 3. At last i trying to use export tools from sweet home and after unzipping file i use viewhome and find Error: Error End of data reached (data length = 0, asked index = 4). Corrupted zip ? for all of this i had try to use in local machine not on web? because some times it is useful to send files for local using
Joined: Aug 11, 2017
Post Count: 135
Re: Export to HTML5 plug-in
Dear Emmanuel!
Cannot understand what the problem with velocity of this project. It's very light weight, only 1,5Mb, but react on level change very slow, and it's only project my smartphone is impossible to play through web-page (just closes browser)
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Export to HTML5 plug-in
Gildaniel, Sweet Home 3D JS is slow when changing levels because it recomputes all door and window holes in the walls, and the computing of these holes is much slower with JavaScript than with Java. But there's surely some place to optimize this process, even if it's not simple.
I released version 1.6 of the plug-in today to include the improvements available in the new Sweet Home 3D JS 6.4 Viewer, like a better management of superimposed transparent objects and a fix for a bug which prevented to pinch under iOS. I also included some comments in the viewHome.html exported file to explain how to simply display the viewer in full screen.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
I bought Sweet Home 3D for my Mac and created our new flat. Then I installed the 'export to HTML 5' plugin and created the zip file of the flat. On my Mac browser the display of the flat works fine, after I allowed local files access... Now I try the same on my iPad but nothing is shown.... It's just a white page and the 'view home' button.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Export to HTML5 plug-in
Similar error: I don’t think you can open a local HTML file on an iPad, moreover if it references other local files. You’ll have to run a HTTP server on your computer or host the HTML files on a server somewhere. If it’s too complicated, try Exported homes manager.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator