United Kingdom
Joined: Mar 7, 2021
Post Count: 4
Re: Export to HTML5 plug-in
Using embed-sweethome3d.1.0.1.zip successfully installed & shortcode added, but get Error: ReferenceError Ground3d is not defined. Any ideas? NB: Thanks for a great system - does everything i want, but keeps it simple
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Export to HTML5 plug-in
Store your points of interest with 3D view > Store point of view in Sweet Home 3D, then add the viewpoints you want to selectableCameras parameter in the generated HTML file (you'll have to uncomment this parameter) (read also Sweet Home 3D JS Viewer README.TXT file). But the drop down list which lets you choose a point of view will be displayed in the browser only if your exported home contains some levels (they may be empty). This is a bug that I'll try to fix in the next version. If you don't need levels, the trick can consist of adding a level to your home then immediately delete it (don't use Edit > Undo but delete the level).
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Jul 18, 2021
Post Count: 2
Re: Export to HTML5 plug-in
Hey all, first of all: I am really really impressed by the work that has been done with this plugin!! I am designing my house since weeks and I was looking for a good way to present it to friends & family, which is not so simple in this times. So thank you very much for this amazing plugin!
Unfortunately, I have an issue coming up with the "final version" of my model. The loader always stops working at around 70% when loading the models...I tried it with deleting the model at which loading stops, but then it just stops at the next one...Tried it online (webserver), on localhost and via file access - no differences. Also same with iOS and windows..
Filesize is 26MB, but I got it working for bigger files (35MB, 62MB), so I assume that cannot be the reason?
Do you have any idea what might be the reason for this behaviour and how to fix it?
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Export to HTML5 plug-in
Hello Matthias, Reducing the total file size is a good way to help it work, but it could also be due to the size or the complexity of a 3D model you're using, even if I'm quite astonished you experienced this bug also on a Windows computer. As the 3D model of invisible furniture isn't exported, you could try to export again your home after hiding its largest models (the 3D model size of each piece of furniture can be displayed in furniture list by choosing Furniture > Display column > Model size menu item). Once it works, try to find the culprit by showing the invisible furniture one after the other.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Jul 18, 2021
Post Count: 2
Re: Export to HTML5 plug-in
Hi Emmanuel,
Thank you so much for the quick response! I solved it and got it working thanks to your Tipps, yet I still have no clue what the Problem was.. In the end it now works with a filesize of 28MB, I only had to leave out one single model (a carpet - nothing special). I identified it by deleting several groups after each other and then trial and error… Anyway, really happy that it works now and thanks again - also for this amazing plug-in! Kindly Matthias
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Export to HTML5 plug-in
You can modify the generated HTML file to add all the scripts you want. The API of the JavaScript code exported from this plug-in is a subpart of Sweet Home 3D JS API. HomePreviewComponent object returned by viewHome function will let you access to all the data of the loaded home, with the ability to hide furniture objects with their setVisible method.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
I tried the embed-sweethome3d plugin and inserted the short code, I got the message: "Error: ReferenceError Ground3D is not defined" at run time.
Thank you for the wordpress plugin. However, I got an error while viewing the page ReferenceError Ground3D is not defined There is no problem running the exported viewHome.html directly on the site. Embedded in the wordpress website article will be an error
This has been raised by several people and has not been responded to. I tried Export to HTML5 plug-in 1.4 and 1.6 both are the same. The ZIP used is inside the ZIP
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