Joined: May 8, 2016
Post Count: 434
Re: A major challenge?
Hi cec Hi okh I only metioned
tut tut cec wouldn't catch me doing something like that
as the image i posted recently in "1st showing" was similar. But now you've mentioned the high heels, i have to say i only wear them on special occasions Though i would love to help with the "major challenge", I cannot, being dyslexic numbers mean very little to me and words are not much better, walls though..... i can draw them
Joined: Mar 25, 2015
Post Count: 153
Re: A major challenge?
Cecilia -
An excellent work-around for the frosted glass issue. Unfortunately, it isn't quite applicable to my needs.
Here in San Francisco, houses generally can be built to 6 inches (1/2 foot) of the property line. (In practice, they often extend even nearer to the boundary than that; this is a photo of my cat who, having escaped outdoors, became disoriented during a thunderstorm and sought shelter between my and a neighbor's houses. After more than a week, we finally located her; after 4 hours of careful work, I managed to cut through interior and exterior walls to reach her, wedged into a spot a little more than 4 inches wide. [She was approximately 12 feet from the edge of the wall, nearly 3 feet lower than where she had entered, and somehow had managed to turn herself around.] She was wedged so tightly, it took another 90 minutes to free her. )
As one might imagine, there are all sorts of rules and regulations pertaining to windows placed along property lines. In an early stage of one design, I had chosen to keep the outside wall of a bathroom 5 feet from the edge of the property as sort of a light well between buildings. Currently, there are no windows in the room, as there is a tub/shower enclosure along the outside wall. In my plans, I changed this to a half-bath/powder room (that is, containing a sink and w.c. but no tub or shower), and I decided to add a frosted glass window to open the space up somewhat. That marked my first attempt to achieve a frosted glass effect -- one that needed to work even with strong backlighting. In the end, my inability to create such an effect caused me to eliminate the window, which in turn led me to eliminate the 5-foot setback, which had the happy result of opening up the design in unexpected ways, resulting in a much more organic and usable floor plan -- all for the want of frosted glass.
Two floors higher up, though, I again ran into problems. Because of other provisions in local planning codes, I found space to be at a premium in the master bedroom suite; I also found myself somewhat at a loss as how best to take advantage of an unparalleled view over the city. I hit upon the idea of having the rear wall of the bedroom also be the outer wall of the master bath shower -- a wall made from switchable or 'smart' glass: Depending on the setting, the wall could be 100% transparent, 100% frosted (about 92% opaque), or partly transparent and partly frosted, with a 30-inch-high modesty panel obscuring the bathers' 'naughty bits' from any telescope-equipped voyeurs based in Pacific Heights. This sent me on a repeated search for ways to fake frosted glass, with results as unsatisfying as my first. (To make things even more difficult, I'd spec'ed the shower to include Kohler illuminated "Raintiles" overhead, so the frosted illusion had to withstand a color wash of backlighting.) Ultimately, I chose to go with a 9% transparent white texture for the modesty panel, coupled with judicious post-processing use of Photoshop's blur brush. I still had issues with the amount of refraction displayed -- but I've since discovered that can be corrected by hand-editing the MTL file.
On the other hand, I much prefer your bathing model -- heels and all -- to the one I eventually used.
OKHoff -- would these images be considered harmful matter?
Joined: May 12, 2013
Post Count: 1545
Re: A major challenge?
OKHoff -- would these images be considered harmful matter?
Hi Maz, yup, if you look at the end of my comment, in the not-so-brave, new, 'global communities' of certain social media, Cec' images could easily be considered harmful as the depiction does not include breastfeeding... While I am really trying to be understanding, my gut feeling is that most Europeans would find it extremely hard to understand how Cec' esthetically pleasing work could possibly pose any clear and present danger to the emotional development of future generations. (Don't get me started on this, I am trying my best to be unbiased ).
Now, much more important, did your cat survive in the end? Did my share of animal rescue, ranging from kittens to a 1200kg bull trapped in tight spot. Hint, cats are notoriously hard to locate, but an RFID chip which makes finding them a lot easier.
And also - any practical experience with the smart glass? I have been wondering about those for years - have they finally matured? I have no idea what I should use them for (see above), but I like the concept.
Joined: Jul 7, 2013
Post Count: 635
Re: A major challenge?
But what I have tried to do, but have yet to manage, was making a lampshade that would let through a soft glow coloured by the lamp shade (and normal light under).
I have never thought about that. It's a great idea. You should have told me before I rendered this image for my next video :
How can I create the illusion of a bulb shining through a semi-transparent lampshade? Placing a light on the inside, like I did when I created the image above, is obviously not the right solution, so I thought there had to be an object inside the lampshade, a reflective, solid object that resembles a bulb and reflects the lights that are being shined on it. Maybe a stretched-out sphere with a shiny surface would do the trick? So I tried that, and this is how it turned out:
Far from perfect, but it was a good starting point.
If you (or anyone) should want the project-file, it's here:
So what could I do to improve it? First of all I should change the lighting and the colour-scheme, make myself a new palette. ( Making a palette is the first thing to do when decorating a home. For people who are not familiar with matching colours, there's a very good pallet-designer here: ) I made a red palette, to create a warmer feeling, and adjusted the lights, and this came out:
The next thing is to give the lampshade a better texture, more opaque ( maybe 60%). With a not quite so see-through texture, I think the result will improve. But I don't have time for that right now. So if anyone feels an urge to experiment with textures, they can download the adjusted file here: Girl-with-mug-and-lampshade-red-palette
The girl, btw, is a demo, not at all finished. She is a part of a series of posing models that I'm working on. My project is to create some alternative or complimentary 3D models to the ones offered, with an attempt to create a lifelike appearance and a changeable set of clothing (changed by using the transparency option). I still have some work to do, like fixing the hair texture and the eyelashes,and work some more on the clothing, but once the basics are done, I can create all sorts of different poses in a jiffy – even on demand.
And, while I'm at it; the image above was created with the default renderer. She looks a lot better when using the enhanced renderer, where you can get a better exposure by selecting 'Enhance external brightnes' Here is a close-up – in daylight, where she's lost in a sort of Martian landscape. Here you can see her complexion better – and you can see the reason I'm working on her eyelashes.
This is the same image created with the default renderer:
Here she is with her friend James:
And here they are posing with two models I have downloaded:
It seems my models are matching up quite well.
The most pleasant surprise with this whole discussion, though, is the fact that this thread is now appears to be in breach of Facebook community standards
Eh… is Facebook controlling and censoring this forum? I certainly hope not. In my family, Facebook, with their immense profit-hunger and Victorian censorship, is totally banned. Our children will NEVER be shielded from nakedness. In Denmark we have signs on the beach informing people if for some reason nudism is NOT allowed.
Western Europa
Joined: Mar 29, 2014
Post Count: 2614
Re: A major challenge?
Great job cecilia !
However, I tried to download the two zipped files and I could not open them.
Hey the others, Do you have the same problem that me ?
Evil progresses when good people do nothing! --- SH3D 7.1 and nothing else - W11 64b in 4K
Joined: May 12, 2013
Post Count: 1545
Re: A major challenge?
Beautiful and interesting renderings as usual. I will study your stuff tomorrow. Maybe I will have another go at a lamp model then. Or later if weather keeps, swimming last half of September this far North is a treat to be cherished.
Eh… is Facebook controlling and censoring this forum? I certainly hope not....
Exactly, the pleasant surprise is that this forum would (probably) not censor a normal image. Whereas FB might. ok
Joined: Jul 7, 2013
Post Count: 635
Re: A major challenge?
Sorry about that, but it's no wonder you can't unzip the files, since the files are not zipped. They are .sh3d-files. Just download and open with SH3D. ( On a Mac you right-click on the link and select Save target as.) I have just checked, and so far two downloads have been made on the first file, and nine on the second.
Western Europa
Joined: Mar 29, 2014
Post Count: 2614
Re: A major challenge?
Exactly !
The download are in zip format but once the files renamed in sh3d they open with 80% damaged items...
Evil progresses when good people do nothing! --- SH3D 7.1 and nothing else - W11 64b in 4K
Joined: May 8, 2016
Post Count: 434
Re: A major challenge?
Beautiful work there Cec, your model appears well superior. Both files downloaded and opened fine, try just "open with" bdfd, instead of saving. Table cloth may appear elsewhere though. . Soft furnishings just dont have the same affect made of boxes and triangles, lol