Joined: Oct 8, 2014
Post Count: 531
Re: 2-Story Home with Basement Apartment
I'm still working on getting pictures of the exterior, but here are screenshots of the floor plans of each floor, although now that I look at these I realize that I made minor modifications after taking them. When I post the pictures of the exterior you'll be able to see what changes I've made.
As you can see, the attic isn't one big space but two different sized spaces. That way, if I do need extra storage for more sewing patterns then they can be separate from the rest of what could be stored up there.
Western Europa
Joined: Mar 29, 2014
Post Count: 2614
Re: 2-Story Home with Basement Apartment
with the 2 storey decking
An easel installed in a building...
Yes it reminds me of the mining country of northern France.
One of the most wonderful examples of identical structure are the first 2 levels of ...................... the Eiffel tower !
Evil progresses when good people do nothing! --- SH3D 7.1 and nothing else - W11 64b in 4K
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last edit by bdfd at Oct 5, 2016, 8:50:42 AM]
Joined: Oct 8, 2014
Post Count: 531
Re: 2-Story Home with Basement Apartment
Wow, I didn't realize how much history that style has! Okay, that's very cool!
I've got the rest of my photos, I think.
Two views of the changed hallway; first picture taken next to the new stairwell (that grey blue strip on the left taking up about 1/4 of the picture) near the master bedroom door, the second taken from in front of the new back door looking toward the new stairwell.
The Master Bedroom. I ended up taking about two feet or so off the one side in order to make that new hallway, which made it so that I had to move the bed, bedside tables and the lamps. The rest of the room remains unchanged.
The bedroom near the master bedroom. The virtual visitor is facing the same direction near the door as when I had taken the original picture of this room, but the room has basically flipped; the closets are now out of shot to the left with the beds and door to the right. I even had enough room to add the end chests at the foot of each bed. I also added a third window.
The bathroom. Because of the changes I ended up having to make to that one bedroom I had to remove one of the doors. In so doing I was able to switch from a single sink vanity to a double sink vanity. Also, after taking the screenshot of the floor plan for this floor I realized that I really didn't like having that one wall that was at the foot of the bathtub, so I removed it as well as the straight rod bath curtain and replaced it with an L shaped bath curtain.
The new attic space. I realize it looks kind of strange with the stairwell sitting straight dab in the middle but at the time I couldn't really think of what else to do with it. I could change it in the future to have instead of walls and a door just an opening in the floor with railing on three sides then adding the door downstairs? I don't know.
Also, I took the second Attic picture first and didn't realize that I'd somehow painted that one wall a light green instead of white like the rest (I know that the walls around the stairwell are also not white but I did that for contrast so that it could be distinguished from the outer walls). I fixed it before taking the other picture.
You'll notice in the first picture of the attic space that there's another door there beside the one to the stairwell. That's to the smaller attic space above the decking. That's this space pictured here. If I need to store additional sewing supplies (patterns, fabrics, what-have-you) then I'd store it here, or possible change the study into a second guest bedroom and make both attic spaces into my Sewing haven.
For the entire attic space I have the outside walls start at 6 feet and come to the point at 10 feet.
Western Europa
Joined: Mar 29, 2014
Post Count: 2614
Re: 2-Story Home with Basement Apartment
Great !
I have lots of ideas for your attic: billiards, table football, bowling, ...
Evil progresses when good people do nothing! --- SH3D 7.1 and nothing else - W11 64b in 4K
Joined: Oct 8, 2014
Post Count: 531
Re: 2-Story Home with Basement Apartment
I realized that I forgot to take pictures of the stairwell as it has changed too.
Both pictures are taken from the first floor; the first picture is looking down to the ground floor, the second picture is looking up to the attic door. It may not look like it but both stair areas have blue walls.